The watchtower project

by mathead 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mathead

    How hard would it be to store every watchtower since day one , in a database?

    How many giga bytes would it take? Would the WTS shut down any site that hosted all the watchtowers( over 100 years worth. I know the WTS has such a data base but they won't share it with the world for obvious reasons. I thought that since the watchtower is a HOLY publication then the WTS should have no porblem if a public site were to have such a data base

    Just think, the data base could be entitled:

    "For the serious study of Jehoovers word - we present the WATCHTOWER on line"

  • Leolaia

    You can purchase them all in PDF (when added to the WT Library CD-ROM, it is a complete collection):

    In terms of disk space, you can have as much as 11 gigs of material if you include nearly all the pubs, with video and audio files, etc.

  • Carmel

    leolaia, is a "gig" short for a giggle??

    It would provide a laugh a minute, don't cha think?


  • Ténébreux

    The earlier ones must be out of copyright by now, surely? If a site hosted those, I don't think there's much the WTS could do even if they had a problem with it.

  • jwfacts

    As a JW I assumed that you the reason the Watchtower of CD only went back to 1950 and Awake back to 1970 was due to lack of disk space. When I started to doubt I looked at 'properties' and the 2005 CD is only 425MB, yet a CD can contain 700MB, in other words only half full.

    Every single Watchtower, Awake and Golden Age could fit on a single CD and probably the entire printed library could fit on a DVD. The only reason that they do not include them is the same reason the Studies in the Scriptures are no longer in print, the Watchtower is ashamed of the total load of rubbish they contain. It was not until I started reading the Studies in the scriptures that I came to realise that the 'light is not brighter', it is a totally different religion than it was 100 years ago.

  • greendawn

    In this day and age 11 Gigabyte is nothing, single layer DVDs can fit in 4.5 GB, double layer DVDs 8.5GB and they cost peanuts. When those new DVDs come out with a double layer on both sides giving 17GB, imagine, all the WTS publications will easily fit into one of them.

    JW facts that new light doctrine always gets on my nerves, why can't they just say: sorry we always make a mess, we are not competent when it comes to interpreting the Bible.

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