What was the "last drop" which made you to leave JW organization?

by Lehtiveli 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well I was already out of the WTS but the WTS was not out of me.

    The Mexico/Malawi scandal did it for me. Hypocrasy and lying don't go over too well with me but to find it in the WTS was my last drop. The WTS was OUT OUT OUT

    Then I learned about the rest. What an eye-opener

  • lonelysheep

    607 & 1914 couldn't be proven

    Blood BS

    Telling the cong what not to watch on tv. That was my last meeting.

  • lilybird

    My doubts started when they wanted to disfellowship my mother because she was schizophrenic and was bringing "reproach on Jehovah's org". I had to talk the elders into not doing that and then they asked me what action they should take.. Which was amazing to me as they were supposed to be directed by God's spirit.Why would they need my advice?? It became more and more tedious to me and my husband trying to live up to the Society's directives of how their "followers" should act..We didn't want to raise our children in a cult like way of life.It wasn't until years later( after we officially disassociated ourselves) when I found this site that I really became aware of the many false teachings of the org and the manipulations of the governing body.

  • Seeker4

    Probably the closest thing to a last straw was the 1914 generation change in 1995. I had already slowed way down, and when that came out, I really took the time to investigate my many questions.
    What completely ended my faith in religion and the Bible was the science I studied. I realized the Bible was a good book of mythology and history, but certainly not inspired by any stretch of the imagination. A quiet look at the science behind ice core samples from Greenland, the Arctic and Anarctic was the key to complete rejection of religion. Absolute proof there that the first chapters of Genesis are not be read literally.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Reading the elder's manual. And seeing its Pharasaical nature.
    tall penguin

  • JH

    I left because I was unhappy there. They aren't reasonable.

  • DannyHaszard

    MOST DENOUNCED KINGDOM HALL ON THE NET backstabbing/sexual harassment of my baby brother/ 'anonymous' obscene phone calls by a jealous ministerial servant at the Kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts more sleazy than any soap opera Mole report below Date: 27 Jan 2006


    Hi Danny! The kingdom hall has lost about 50% of their membership over the last 2 years mostly whole families have left the witnesses altogether. Most who remain are inactive some (about 5 families) moved away with no forwarding address. Among those who remain, many are known alchoholics and liars. I heard this is typical with the witnesses. The society has sent pioneers to help them complete the territory, because NO ONE in this congregation even goes out in service.Most of the people just put down a few hours of supposed,informal witnessing to keep the elders off their backs. Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses has lost about 25%, no new growth in years. Most young ones are leaving. Many inactive. Don't know about the rest. How are you? Often think of you. You are in Maine right? How are the Witnesses up there treating your car, are they still smashing windows or cutting tires? Very christian of them!

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