Revelation chapter 9

by NowImFree 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Judas I.
    Judas I.

    You know...nobody on this earth can even tell you what "fire" means to the Author of the book. Could be good...could be bad....Only the Author holds the truth to what the word "fire" really means when He said it. If we are that much in the can they translate anything at all without the Author telling what the words meant? Damn near impossible IMO.

    Is "fire" holy spirit? love? or destruction?

  • heathen

    I think verse 17 the fire mentioned is about judgement from above of course that would be a ( spiritual truth) . It's like asking what does it mean about giving a star a key , we have to assume it's talking about an angel . The way it words that is tricky as well because it says the star falls from heaven . Satan was also referred to as having fallen from heaven . I don't think a third of the men literally died from these plagues either so it has to be talking about something spiritual . very interesting passage .One of the most enigmatic in the bible altogether.

  • NowImFree


    This is their current teaching. From your post I wasn't sure if you thought this was a past teaching or not. They used to teach that Abaddon was satanic or Satan himself and that the locusts were demonic coming up out of the abyss. That is pretty much how most theologians interpret it. Back a while ago, the Watchtower switched their teaching (another complete flip flop) to the opposite and teach that Abaddon is Jesus and that the locusts are JWs.

    It's nuts. If you look at the bible and other references to the abyss, nothing good ever comes out of the abyss. The beast is said to come out of the abyss and the demons that Jesus sent into the swine were begging Jesus not to send them to the abyss.

    This should just show people how way out the organization is and how they have no clue who Jesus is and they don't have anything else right either. It's like they are throwing a bunch of crap at the wall and seeing what sticks. How can anybody actually trust anything they say?


  • heathen

    Yah I have the grand climax book here . I didn't know the previous stand on it tho . I think it more likely that the star is jesus than satan . They claim that the name abaddon means , destroyer . It is real confusing since rebellious men are also called the son of destruction and such . I think it obvious that since these plagues happened in order for men to repent that it would have to be the work of jesus and not the devil .

    Time to move on unless somebody has more info on this .................

  • tsar_robles

    I think Leolaia set the matter straight...

  • justhuman

    The GB they done a clue what they are if JW's are locusts from abyss, it means that their master is Satan who is ending up in the abyss...

    There so confused that they have lost the meaning of being a Christian...all those anitypes and types that is only confusing the mind of the poor JW's. Instead of focusing on the message of Christ that is Love and Forgiveness they have twisted the Christian gospel...

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