Speaking of kook prophecies...

by james_woods 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    I just read the Pat Robertson has now made numerous statements that God has warned him that a Tsunami wave may be coming to strike the Pacific NW of the US sometime this summer.

    Very cool - if it happens, he can bask in the glory of "I told you so". No matter who gets killed.

    If it doesn't happen, I suppose he can say he prayed in the behalf of Washington and Oregon and that God changed his mind...

    for crying out loud, either tell us what day and what city or else go back to picking on the dictator of Venezuala!

  • rebel8

    God told him that? I think he's getting the weather channel confused with God.

  • Carmel

    "Make haste, Oh yea inhabitants of Seaside and Ocean City, for the Lord hath declared you to be the Sodom and Gamorrah of the West". On the eve of summer solstice, thine inequity shall be made known and divine retribution shall rise forth from the labyrinthine deeps."

    caveman in behalf of Brother Pat

  • EAGLE-1

    When an autopsy is done on him we are going to see how much shit he is full of.

  • free2beme

    Ever see "Escape from LA?" In the story line a minister predicts a massive earthquake that destroys the LA area and when this happens, he wins the Presidentcy hands down. Do you think Pat Robertson saw it?

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