Give your experience of hypocrytical elders, here`s mine!

by dido 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Thats a lousy rotten story dido. What a pity you didnt have any hard evidence on the perv. But the sheep are so trusting, its not like you are going to tape every conversation with them just in case.

    Just after my dad left home (mum and dad seperated, but as both wanted to remain JW's they remained single and just didnt get divorced. No-one could get ther head round the fact that bo wrongdoing was going on. Surely ONE of them was shagging - the elders were desperate to pin something on them) - well anyway, just after dad left, mum was in a bad way, and was suffering from depression. One elder came round on his own to 'shepherd' her, and proceeded to proposition her and try to kiss her.

    Mum hates men at the best of times, and this quite frankly was one of her deeper man hating phases. She was totally confused and guilt ridden after the eposide. It clearly never occured to her to think 'this man is a complete NOB'. She really blamed herself instead.

    We didnt dare tell his wife cos she hated mum already, and perhaps I can see why now. Maybe she perceived something about her husbands thoughts. Mum couldnt even reassure her that she found the husband utterly repulsive, as she did all men!

  • dido

    Katie, what makes me sick, is that the likes of me and your mum were in a weak and vulnerable state, and as far as i`m concerned, they preyed on us, and they are `wicked` men! Nikan8ter i know what you mean about the interrogation, the perves asked me, `did he touch your breasts, and other personal details. i think they got off on it.

  • KW13

    sad stuff, they are heartless.

    BTW - has he always lived around the corner?

  • dido

    Yes KW13, he still lives there, i have to pass his door every day, so it is a constant reminder.

  • plmkrzy

    My father was an elder and beat the shit out of us, got drunk too often, co-mingled money with other elders. And GAMBLED

    thats all I have to say about that

  • MidwichCuckoo
    one of them had been calling on my door ON HIS OWN making sexual innuendo`s such as ` i don`t have sex with my wife` `sex is great if you can get it`, also he phoned me whilst in the bath a few times

    Next time you see him in Sainsburys you ought to mention this VERY loudly:-

    ''Hello again Brother Sleeze, have you resumed sex with your wife? Only you haven't been able to pop round to see me alone and keep me up to speed on your sex life since you labelled ME as a sinner''

  • MidwichCuckoo

    ''.........and I miss all those phone calls you used to make to me from the privacy of your bathroom......''

  • dido

    MW, I actually saw his wife at another hall, i was going there just before they anounced my d/f, and she was sitting in the foyer, and she looked at me with a blank expression.I think she knew something was going on, but not sure what. Oh, just an after thought, when i accused him of coming around on his own, he said he had his 5 year old daughter with him, so was even prepared to use his own daughter as an alibi! He had also been d/f a few years previous, and said that he had been out and sown wild oats etc., and i think that`s when he met his wife and brought her back in with him. I think she`s a victim and probably knows a bit what he`s like!

  • dido

    MW, I actually saw his wife at another hall, i was going there just before they anounced my d/f, and she was sitting in the foyer, and she looked at me with a blank expression.I think she knew something was going on, but not sure what. Oh, just an after thought, when i accused him of coming around on his own, he said he had his 5 year old daughter with him, so was even prepared to use his own daughter as an alibi! He had also been d/f a few years previous, and said that he had been out and sown wild oats etc., and i think that`s when he met his wife and brought her back in with him. I think she`s a victim and probably knows a bit what he`s like!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    when i accused him of coming around on his own, he said he had his 5 year old daughter with him

    Gosh - so he was making sexual innuendos in front of a 5 year old? Thing about kids - they'll repeat stuff they don't understand.. . to their Mums.You're right too - women usually know what their husbands are, even if they can't/don't want to admit it to themselves.

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