Judah Ben Schroeder NOT finishing law school

by Seeker4 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RevFrank

    watchtower doesn't want anyone to go to a higher education. Why? Because they know that once you go to college you'll realize you'll need to defend the watchtower and you'll began your research and you'll find out, defending the watchtower and how much the watchtower disagrees with the Holy Bible...(not the new world translation of the Holy Scriptures)

    Higher education gives one an insite on many things. You learn and grow. You become enlightened and you know more. That's what companies need for you to know. You'll discover how to do the proper research on your topic...

    reguardless if you do the research on the watchtower in college or later in life, you'll learn that the watchtower does teach a different gospel.

  • steve2

    With most witnesses it is unnecessary to forbid college; it has been slighted and mocked for so much of their life they just don't consider it seriously.

    Yawn. :(

    This is just a more specific problem of what happens in the world in general.

    People end up with lesser lives not because others are explicitly stopping them from pursuing their dreams but because they lack the brain cells to see beyond the FOG (Fear, Obligation and Guilt). The reality in this world is people often go on to better things in life not because the environment encourages them to, but in spite of the environment. The most interesting people to rub shoulders with are not those whose refrain is, "I'm a victim"; rather those who rise above the subtle and not-so-subtle constraints placed in their pathway. I include myself in this latter group. I was an insipid wreck of a human as a JW. It took their booting me out for me to pick myself up and gradually learn to live a better life . Judah whathisname is probably still playing the JW game. Double yawn

  • Dogpatch

    I'm pretty sure Judah does not see eye-to-eye with the WT at all.

    He was a kitchen waiter when I was there. :-))


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