Armegeddon Pictures

by silentlambs 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Anyone know where I might find some good pictures of Armegeddon in WT publications on the net? Any help would be appreciated.

  • dungbeetle

    Well, if you can't find any I will be happy to email you some. Or perhaps I can put some on the net. Holler if you need them. up the crap.

  • Dogpatch

    I've got one more recent (1988) from the Revelation book at:

    Its part of my online version of my book, Thus Saith the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, which you can read at:

  • silentlambs

    thanks for the response, please send what you might have as I would like to have something in color.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Doesn't the old "Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" Book have some really nasty ones, with the earth opening up and people falling down a seemingly bottomless hole...tall buildings crumbling and on fire...people on the rampage in the streets etc....all that wonderful stuff the JWs speak so longingly for?

    Does anyone have that book to scan?

  • ARoarer

    Not to long ago I cut out pictures of all the scarey and intimidating pictures from the Red Revelation book we studied at the bookstudy several times. I did this to show someone how the Beast pictures are so grotesque with the blood dripping, swords, death destruction etc. I then put all these pictures in a folder ad when I shared them with the friend he was amazed and disgusted by the terrifying pictures that we forced our children to regularly soak in. It is no wonder so many who grew up looking at these pictures end up being fearful of so many things, like flying in airplanes, or just ordinary things that can cause anxiety. The WT actually encourages the members to not only accept these death threat pictures, but also encourages members to convey these death threat messages to those who leave . I myself have gotten letters from so called friends who have told me that they will no longer associate with me and my family because we are in "danger", and have chosen a "dangerous" course that will cost our children their lives and we are responsible. Refering to the Israelites at the Red Sea who were "destroyed". If we wanted to come back to the Kingdom Hall we know where our "True Friends" are. With friends like this I never will need enemies. These are truly meanspirited people. Anyway when I look at the pictures in the folder all cut out of the Revelation Book, it has a great impact to see the reality of how negative, antagonistic, and intimidating this religion is in thought control of it's members. To look at all the blood in this book it is a wonder this religion claims to have such high respect for blood.

  • Moridin

    At my website you can find some pictures in the section entitled, What Cults Do to Children. The Truth About the "Truth".

  • RedhorseWoman

    The light has dawned!! NOW I know why I like Stephen King and all types of horror movies so much. My "tender sensibilities" were scorched by the WTBTS!!!

  • silentlambs

    thanks for the response, I am loaded now.

  • Fredhall

    Gee Bill,

    Are you scared of Armegeddon? Did you have a bad dream that you might not survived it?

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