Baptismal date, do you remember?

by Jourles 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Forscher

    June 1974.
    I was 18. Stopped going to the meetings, including the memorial, a few years ago. Waiting for the hammer to fall when the elders get tired of the musical phone game.

  • katiekitten

    Summer or Autumn of 1986 I think, or maybe 1985.

    I never meant to forget. I remember being told in the talk that it was the most important day of my life more important than the day I would get married. But it didnt make enough impression for me to remember it.

    Now if god had sent me a dove or some other avian signal I might have remembered...

    I can remember the presents I got though: a box of Ferrero Rocher from Sarah Blackburn, A set of three bath oils from my Aunty Joan, a hideour pink plastic brooch in the shape of a bow tie from Linda Dawson, a vey thin gold bracelet from Carl Dawson (that I still have!!) and some other stuff. It was a great haul. Id like to say thank you to my mum, my dad, my Aunties and everyone else who knows me!

  • GermanXJW

    double post

  • GermanXJW

    Dec 9th, 1989

    I was baptized together with a man that later became the boyfriend of my later wife's friend. He dumped her from one minute to the other when he got his invitation to Bethel. I guess he is still there.

    When we were in the locker room he said to me:"We are happy aren't we?" I said: "Why". He replied: "Because we may belong to Jehovah's people now." I nodded silently. This was too much for me even then.

  • katiekitten

    German (AKA Peter Kay)

    You got baptised on the day I got married! Now THAT is spooky.

    That was clearly a bad news day all round!

  • Soledad

    I had to look up the exact day.........

    July 23rd 1988 Orchard Beach, NY. 4 days before my 13th birthday.

    I remember the exact number of candidates that day: 588

    The majority (I would say 80-85%) were either elderly or, like me, children of JWs and near my age.

    It was a non-event for me. I was looking around me and seeing people in tears. Earlier that day I was expecting to cry but I didn't. I wasn't moved at all by that experience.

    I was definitely pushed into it.

    I remember one thing: when I left the changing stalls at the beach and headed out towards the water there was a table set up with 2 sisters holding pen and paper, asking for our names and what congregation we belonged to and and whether this was our first baptism. I always wondered about that: can JWs get baptized more than once?? I asked my mother some months later but she didn't know the answer to that. But I always had that at the back of my mind.

  • free2beme


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