The Deepest, Darkest, Dirtiest Secret of WTS

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Deep, dark secrets.
    Horrible, ugly things that dwell in shadows.
    Things no one speaks about
    Topics that are avoided.

    In some groups, it might be a murder, or an act of incest.

    But with the Watchtower, of all the dark secrets hidden from view,
    there is one uglier and more horrible than any other by far.

    It is this:

    The whole blood transfusion issue was a mistake.

    It was all based on a misinterpretation of what Acts and Genesis
    actually say on the subject. Blood was only sacred because
    LIFE IS SACRED! Life is, therefore ,the priority. Beyond that,
    Fred Franz screwed up by relating Acts 15 to Noah's account
    instead of Leviticus as its proper source. He also failed to
    note its association with "eating food sacrificed to idols" -
    a plain, explicit matter of individual conscience, not organizational
    dictum. Of course, no one would dare question "our oracle" (K. Klein's
    remark) on the subject. Point by point, the whole doctrine has been
    beaten down - and the Society avoids specific answers to specific
    questions on the subject - as many letterwriters know.


    And so here we are

    Can you imagine the moral corruption?
    Can you imagine the burning, grawing consciences of the men
    who know this? How it eats at their subconscious, telling them
    that lives were wasted by mistake? That it threatens to expose
    the entire organization to lawsuit and scandal? That it threatens
    the Society with forms of blackmail by those "in the know"?
    Does anyone understand the implications of knowledge of this
    'error'? Can they really tell themselves , when they stare into
    a mirror every morning , that this is "still Jehovah's organization"
    while needless deaths continue to mount?

    This is truly incredible


  • dungbeetle

    Metatron, are you having a bad day darling? up the crap.

  • Hmmm

    I have no clue if Metatron is having a bad day or not, but he's certainly having a clear-thinking day. Did you catch the point that blood is only sacred because it represents life? Have you ever heard of a case before where the reality is sacrificed in favor of its shadow?

    If the GB has ever admitted, publically or privately, that they know Franz' reasoning on this was faulty, yet refuse to admit it because of pride, then they are morally bloodguilty and criminally liable.


  • LDH


    I spoke with my parents today. They are out of state, visiting my father's 'worldly' sister, she's about 70.

    Two weeks ago she suffered two strokes and a heart attack.

    When speaking to my father regarding this incident, he was outraged at her medical care.

    He told me, "Can you BELIEVE they gave her 8 units of blood? That is DISGUSTING."

    I calmly reminded him, "Dad, she's not a JW. She has no compunction about taking blood."

    "Yes but that's DISGUSTING. Your body is already fighting a war and here they go and basically put another organ in your body!"

    "Yes, Dad it is like another organ. And I remember a few years back when organ transplants were also viewed with disgust, and it was considered a disfellowshipping offense. Now it is standard medical practice, and sometimes you need to take anti-rejection meds but it's not a df'ing offense."

    Quiet for a few seconds, then, "I don't EVER want any blood!"

    I said, "Dad, if this was 30 years ago you might be telling me you didn't want a donor kidney in the middle of your kidney failure. All I'm saying is to keep an open mind."

    Metatron, I hear clearly what you are saying. Every day is a bad day when these bastards are controlling life and death decisions of innocent people who really think they are making Jehovah happy by dying.


  • Englishman

    Metatron is bang on the money!

    How to let the blood thing go, because, like it or not, there is martyrdom value when people die for refusing blood.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Flip
    How it eats at their subconscious, telling them
    that lives were wasted by mistake?

    Met', how's it possible that those who control the WTB&TS are worried about what's left of their respective conscience's as long as the $checks$ keep coming in.

    In-flow of cash from publication sales to Jehovah's Witnesses, return on real-estate and investments is all the validation whoever controls the WTB&TS needs to justify their actions to themselves.

    Let's face it, no one outside the Witness community cares about how the WTB&TS has screwed up. Whoever controls the WTB&TS knows it and appears to be willing to do the unconscionable to keep it that way.


  • Richie

    Metatron, you are absolutely right!!!
    Speaking about Fred Franz the Great Pharisee; he was so adept at interpreting the scriptures to his own philosophical conception, that he even fooled the others at the GB, as they were all too afraid to counter his "findings" since they came from Above as Fred the Pharisee so often asserted....A one-man's show for sure and all in the guise of being God's spokesman...

    :*) Richie

    You are the music as long as the music last...............

  • ballistic

    just signing in as someone with a dead father due to the no blood policy.

  • metatron

    and so the needless deaths continue...

    But use your collective imaginations on this for a second -

    consider how this knowledge, deep within the Byzantine
    corridors of the Borg, has the potential to destroy
    the Watchtower!

    Many of us realize, given present trends, that the Watchtower
    will simply fade away over time. However, knowledge that
    the blood issue is a fraud - while people continue to die
    - could make the molestation issue a minor problem!
    It could expose the entire organization itself as a fraud,
    just as surely as when Swaggart got caught with hookers.
    Game Over!
    Speculate for a minute on the corrosive effect of such a
    secret - suppose a Society lawyer/director with lots of
    evidence about internal change on blood commits
    adultery/fraud/theft/murder? How can you discipline them?
    You can't - they know enough to write a book or call a
    press conference. Imagine a New York Post cover like
    "Blood on Their Hands" showing pictures of the Governing
    Body/New Directors. Such a secret could expose them to
    every kind of blackmail you can think of.



  • TweetieBird

    "suppose a Society lawyer/director with lots of
    evidence about internal change on blood commits
    adultery/fraud/theft/murder? How can you discipline them?
    You can't - they know enough to write a book or call a
    press conference. Imagine a New York Post cover like
    "Blood on Their Hands" showing pictures of the Governing
    Body/New Directors."

    Interesting thought!

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

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