Question about Genesis account of creation.

by wanderlustguy 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • finis_mundi

    Genesis, just like the other books of the Pentateuch, was written by multiple authors during different periods of time and then edited some time after the return from exile.

  • Narkissos

    One interesting thing about the structure of Genesis 1 as PeacefulPete pointed it out is that, from their place in the "days," the sun, moon and stars are treated as characters, beings populating the setting of "Day" and "Night" (just as the fish, birds, animals and humans will populate their own "settings"). So there is a tension within Genesis 1 itself between the ancient mythological view of the heavenly bodies as (divine) beings and the monotheistic, anti-mythological view (they are only "things," "luminaries" or "light-bearers," signs for the priestly calendar). The structure of the text is at odds with its apparent "meaning".

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