The Purpose and Meaning of Life

by streets76 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • streets76

    The Purpose of Life: Is to procreate.

    The Meaining of LIfe: Is up to each of us to define for ourselves, individually.

    I've just turned 48. I have not procreated. I am struggling to define the meaning of or in my life.

    Is it just me?

  • serendipity

    Hi streets,

    It's funny you should bring this up. I have procreated, and my little creation will be turning 18 next year. I'm struggling to figure out what to do with myself next.

    JWs teach that Christians should be preaching the kingdom and possibly saving lives. What could be more noble or meaningful? Well I don't do that. So what do I do with myself that is meaningful? Pursuing hobbies or personal interests seems selfish. I'm trying to figure out what kind of volunteer work I want to get involved in. However, volunteer work just addresses symptoms of problems. And there will always be people with problems. This just doesn't seem to be as meaningful as the preaching work. It's like I don't value helping others, unless it's saving their souls. And this is a bit of JW thinking that I can't seem to shake. It's rather disheartening.

  • Siddhashunyata

    Some have found that framing the questions as purpose and meaning actually blocks one from getting the answer. They suggest that its better to ask the question Who am I?

  • poppers

    What Siddhashunyata said. You have boxed yourself in with your statements concerning the meaning and purpose of life. Find out what you really are and then see what happens.

  • Highlander

    There is no purpose, there's just life.

    However... I do believe that living your life in a meaningful way is fullfilling. The definition of meaningful depends on each individual.

    So IMO, it's up to each of us to find the most fullfilling, enjoyable way to live our owns lives.

  • dido

    I agree with you about finding a purpose in life, i find it hard to get motivated or get involved with things like charities etc. If the purpose in life is just to procreate then some people as you say are not fulfilled. I have procreated a few times, but don`t find this satisfying, i still need more out of life.

  • ballistic

    I think growing up in the so called "Truth" forces people to consider these questions who otherwise would not ever have done so. Most people live their lives simply too busy to stop and wonder about these most depressing questions. I haven't seen any good answers from people like monks who dedicate their life to solitude and reflection, so why are you bothering to try and work it out? I am not saying I am immune to wondering, but I have a lot of time on my hands... the only conclusion I can come to is that happiness only comes in the moments of life when we aren't thinking about it's purpose, those transient and spontaneous happenings that are not coreographed.

  • dido

    That is very true about not thinking about it, but like you say, we do think too much, but i must agree that the happiest moments are when we are enjoying ourselves and not dwelling on these things.

  • FairMind

    I’m a bit older than you and I have procreated, three daughters and six grand children. The meaning of life must be to live it in harmony with God’s grand purpose for the earth and mankind. Right now this very possibly means pointing people to God’s kingdom as the only hope for mankind. When I see what is going on in the world, it is obvious to me that something bad is coming down:

    1.) War (even threat of nuclear war)

    2.) Energy crisis with oil production peaked and soon to go into major decline and demand only rising.

    3.) Every time you turn around some lucky teenage boy is being seduced by a beautiful school teacher (oops maybe this doesn’t belong on the list)

    Yes, I believe we (those of us who believe the Bible) should point others to a hope for the future. There are other things though to do. God wants us to enjoy life and we should do our best to do so and not feel guilty in the process.

  • JamesThomas
    The Meaning of Life: Is up to each of us to define for ourselves, individually... I am struggling to define the meaning of or in my life...Is it just me?

    No, it's not just you.

    I'm with Siddhashunyata and poppers (not surprisingly) on this one.

    Listen to the wisdom in your question: who is it that "defines ourselves"? Who is the "I", that is "struggling"?

    The truth you seek is here already. What is here before there is mental activity that asks: What is the meaning of life? What is it that sees and experiences all the story of life? Does that need the minds feeble definitions and explanations? Does the silent consciousness that observes require more?

    When the mind is utterly still, what are you?


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