Do You Belong To A Cult?

by DannyHaszard 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Genesis

    Yes :( I belong to the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The monster said if I dont eat enough pasta im gonna get killed by his Noodly Appendage !

  • DannyHaszard
    Here's a question for ya Danny.

    Do you feel any of the GB are aware of these tactics of mind controlling.....or did it just come as a natural consequence that elite groups naturally fall into ?

    Yes,i believe most started out sincere but as JW's like to hurl their popular cliche at Christendom's members "they are sincere but sincerely wrong"

    I have nearly 50 years of WT cult observation including the disposition of my own intimate family members they succumb to a mixed dynamic of cognitive dissonance that wears them down and the C.D. morphs into stockholm syndrome and in the end stage their double life existence can turn them into malicious predatory psychopaths.

    I watched my very own beloved sweet grandmother forsake her natural maternal instincts and turn into a 'theocratic' monster who would lie,backstab,connive sacrifice and eat her own young for da troof.

  • DannyHaszard
    DannyHaszard google search discussion here this is the first i have heard of this DVD marksofacult.jpg Four marks that are easy to remember and are helpful in forming a framework around which we can differentiate a cult from a church. The marks are as simple as add, subtract, multiply and divide. Add: Cults add to Scripture. The revelation of God provided in the Bible is never sufficient for a cult. Thus they must add to the written revelation of Scripture, usually with additional scriptures or with their own translation of the Bible. In this way we have books such as The Pearl of Great Price of the Mormons and the New World Translation of the Bible produced by the Jehovah's Witnesses. Since the Bible claims exclusivity as the written revelation of God, we must see that other books, even if the followers of cults claim that they are equal to the Bible, must actually be over and above the Word of God. Subtract: Cults subtract from the person of Christ. Cults cannot tolerate the divinity and exclusivity of Jesus and thus usually reduce Him to being a created being. In some cases they make Jesus only a manifestation or mode of God. In either case, the role of Jesus as revealed in Scripture is diminished. Multiply: Cults multiply the requirements of salvation. Salvation, as it is presented in the Scriptures, is by God's grace through faith alone. Cults continually add to the requirements of salvation, always adding human works as a necessary prerequisite to salvation. No cult teaches or endorses justification by faith alone. Thus all cults reject the very heart of the gospel. Divide: Cults divide the loyalty of believers. Each cult believes that it has exclusive revelation and understanding of God that ensures its followers are either exclusively God's people or are somehow more blessed than others. Cults always seek to divide believers against each other based on the previous three marks. Thus cults are, by their very nature, divisive. Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, The Moonies, and Oneness Pentecostals (or the Jesus-Only Movement). Each receives the attention of a large group of highly-regarded Christian apologists. Those who were consulted in the making of this film are:

    • Dr. James R. White, Alpha & Omega Ministries
    • Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Knox Theological Seminary
    • Dr. R. Fowler White, Knox Theological Seminary
    • James Walker, Watchman Fellowship
    • David Henke, Watchman Fellowship
    • Dr. Steve Cowan, Apologetics Resource Center
    • Craig Branch, Apologetics Resource Center
    • Clete Hux, Apologetics Resource Center
    • Jerry Johnson, The Apologetics Group
    As with the previous DVDs released by The Apologetics Group, Marks of a Cult is well-researched, well-made and the facts presented are well-documented. This is a rational, measured, convicting examination of the marks of a cult as they stand against the claims of Scripture. It clocks in at almost two hours which is just enough time to do justice to the topic. It moves quickly and should easily capture the attention of adults and teens. In fact, my only disappointment was in the bonus features which included nothing more than a list of recommended websites and a second list of recommended books dealing with each of the cults. Nevertheless, that is but a small complaint and I am glad to recommend this DVD to you. It would be a valuable addition to any personal or church library. The DVD is available from Monergism Books.
  • greendawn

    After the experience with the JWs I can sniff a cultic organisation or set up from a mile away. Knowing how poisonous their ambience is I don't go near them.

  • DannyHaszard

    (Here we have a Jehovah's Witnesses 'puff piece' portraying JW's as normal folk who read 'worldly' poetry and go to college when the fact is the Watchtower cult discourages higher education to their members.) Soul searching
    Herald Times Reporter, WI - 10 minutes ago
    ... Kloss, who's a Jehovah's Witness, is also busy learning several other languages so she can reach out to people who don't speak English as a primary language. ... "I'm very happy with how it's turned out, but I'm having a hard time absorbing everything because I have so many things going on in my life," said Kloss, who's attending Lakeshore Technical College, pursuing a career as a surgical technologist. Kloss, who's a Jehovah's Witness, is also busy learning several other languages so she can reach out to people who don't speak English as a primary language. [email protected] reporter send your experiences there is also a comment box provided

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