convo with mum- dedication to jah or WTS

by heretic 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo
    .... the elder said 'you did have a contract', basically saying that when you say yes to the 2 quetions you enter a verbal contract

    1. What if you didn't say 'yes' but kept silent?

    2. IF they are treating this as a Contract (in their ignorance), then there IS no Contract without 'consideration'. ie, BOTH parties to a contract are exchanging something.

    JW s cannot separate God from the Org. I had this 'discusion' not too long ago. Leaving the 'Org' does not mean leaving God - I was told that no other religion 'believes' in God.

  • BluesBrother

    This is a classic piece of J W "Doublethink", They always say,[ because the Watchtower tells them to] that they are dedicated to God and not the Organization. Indeed the April 1st 2006 Watchtower which prints the questions in the study article also says this 3 pages on

    "We dedicate ourselves, not to a cause or to a work, but to Jehovah himself. The work that God has for his people will change but their dedication to him remains the same."

    The point is that in the mind of the dub, Jehovah God is inseparable from "His Organization". To leave the WTS is to leave God because they say he cannot be served outside of it.

    Basically, they have it both ways . I do not think legal type arguments about the type of vows that one personally uttered at the time of ones baptism will cut any ice with modern elders. If you denounce the WTS , you are deemed unfaithful to God, and that is that.

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