What's the funniest thing you did lately?

by JH 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My wife asked me to pick up some "Hard As Nails" at the hardware store. I told her I didn't think it would work on me.

    Ken P.

  • katiekitten

    The stuppidest thing ive done recently which now its over can be classed as funny, was rip a big hole in the ass of my trousers at school in the middle of the day (in a cunning bobbing down and catching them on a metal locker door incident).

    You could see about 5 square inches of my big black pants. I thought its OK, I will just wear my jacket the rest of the day. but then I remembered it was a shortie one, only went to my waist. I was really panicking now, as I had 2 more classes to teach, but then remembered my jumper, which I had to wear tied round my waist the rest of the day.

  • ballistic

    I had to go a meet my friend having a haircut, and I (just having had a grade 1 skin head somewhere else), went in and asked for a short back and sides.

  • juni

    While having a conversation w/my husband and daughter who came over for a visit I was telling a story when my daughter interrupted and said that I had already told it 5xs before. I said, "Really"? and she said, "Mom, you do this all the time." I then proceeded to inform them that I just heard a news report about Alzheimers and how you know if you have it.

    My daughter asked, "So what did you learn"? I said, "I can't remember". (Honest to god truth.)

    My husband, daughter and then I just roared laughing at what I just had said.

    Comes with age no matter how sharp you try to keep your brain cells. You just have to keep a sense of humor!!


  • Tea4Two

    Have you ever looked for your glasses and they are right there on your nose? That's me!

  • misanthropic

    ::Did you ever get into the house?

    Good times indeed!

    I did. It was pretty easy actually, but ever since that little "incident" I make sure the door isn't locked if I go out through the garage :)

  • Panda

    Most of my jokes are lost on the animals around me.

  • orbison11

    well i didnt actually 'do' this funny

    last fri i sent in a pic of pet with her/his owner,,,,to the ellen show

    on wed she showed it on her tv show, not only that she did a major funny for about 3 minutes on it

    boy,,,now my dog walks around with her rhinestone shades with an attitude,,,i tell you lol


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