by unique1 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • unique1

    My mom wants to know my beliefs and well, I am gonna tell her. What do I have to lose? She is already not speaking to me in public? So I know I have seen them on here but the search function is down so if you started the thread or have a link please let me know.

    I need:

    1. References of the other false predictions, all the ones before 1914.

    2. Scans of the vaccination warnings. I know there is a website with these but for the life of me I can't find it.

    3. References against Organ Transplants. Any of these would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance.

  • Legolas
  • Legolas
  • undercover

    I don't have references handy, I'm sure others will have loads of them for you.

    But let me offer this advice:

    Whatever subject you choose to discuss with a JW, make sure that you know the subject inside and out. Don't take opinions posted on this board as truth. Research it independantly and know it thoroughly. Also know the JW side of it. You have to know their side so you can refute it convincingly. Once you know the subject thoroughly and have examined all sides of the issue you can really break any defense that the typical JW comes up with.

    Stick to one or two subjects at a time. Do not let the JW try to redirect the subject or deflect the arguement. Stick to the point that you want to make. If they can't defend their stance or answer questions don't let them move to something else. To them deflection is the same as victory. If you make them uncomfortable in their inability to defend their stance, it gives more of a chance of them having doubts themselves.

    Good luck with your mom

  • undercover

    multiple posts... I don't know what happened ...sorry bout that

  • undercover

    ignore...multiple post

  • undercover

    geez... must be ghosts in the machine

  • unique1

    I am using nothing but the watchtowers OWN quotes. I will let them hang themselves. She won't care but it will make me feel better.

  • garybuss

    If I'm asked by somebody what my primary problem with the Jehovah's Witness people is, I tell them my problem number one with the Witness people, is the Witness people, and the mean way they treat me and the mean way they treat people who are important to me. These are facts, I can list names and dates.

    Number 2, I have a problem with the blood medical treatment guidelines and the losses connected to that policy. These are facts, I can list names and dates.

    Number 3, I don't appreciate the way Witness families with children have not been warned of known predators in the congregations. These are facts, I can list names and dates.

    Number 4, I have a problem with shunning Witness people who ask about the Society's political connection with governments and political organizations during times Witness kids in school were being picked on for refusing to salute the flag. These are facts, I can list names and dates.

    Past religious predictions and superstitions don't matter very much to me compared to the three named items above.

    Look at practices, not beliefs. Look at nasty things close to home. List the facts, the names, and the dates.

  • unique1

    THANK YOU LEGOLAS. I am bookmarking them this time for future reference.

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