Elder's son no longer piano tuner - Dr instead!

by WingCommander 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I am just sickened at the irony that befalls some people.....

    We all know the WTBS looks down HEAVILY upon those wanting a "worldy" education, right? At least, that's how everyone acted at my congregation! I remember the talks from the platforms seathing about some young one running off to college to join Satan's World and then his life ending in ruin and then he'll end up with no hope for the paradise...blah, blah, blah, blah. So of course, even though I had straight A's, I couldn't go to colllege.

    A fine example of another JW youth my age was of an Elder's son. He was a meek, girly, puny piece of shit that was whipped into a momma's boy. He was always flaunted and shown around as the perfect example of a fine young youth. Why, he was going to drop out of high school in 11th grade, become a piano tuner, and then full-time pioneer until the end of this system of things! What a shining star of the WTBS!

    Now, fast forward 10 years. I open up the newspaper to see his wedding announcement. Here he moved to Pittsburgh, attended the medical school there, became a doctor, and then married some worldy chick! Oh, and he looks like some reject from the 70's. Imagine! The freaking irony and hypocrasy here is mind-boggling. I was just floored. I mean, what happened to being a piano tuner? Also, why become a Doctor? I mean, there will be absolutely NO use for a doctor in the New Order, correct?? Of course I'm sure his holier-than-thou parents came up with some cop-out to save themselves from the embarassment of having such a worldly, successful son married to a worldy girl. On one level, I'm happy for the dude, on the other I'm searing mad - not really of jealousy - but of outrage for being duped for so long. If I had just awoken sooner I could have been a pilot or doctor or something a little better than what I am now. I just feel totally screwed - and I know it must be a feeling many have on here..........

    I can't wait to see this Elder so I can ask him how his son's full-time pioneering work is going as well as his piano tuning. Pfffhhhtt!!!!


    Wing Commander

  • greendawn

    They realised that the end is not near and that one has to do well for the rest of the time here, it shows how things fall apart when the myth of the soon to be paradise ceases to matter. There is neither a sense of urgency nor a soon to come reward.

    The WTS has been since its inception a pseudospiritual organisation without genuine sincerity in its behaviour.

  • juni
    He was a meek, girly, puny piece of shit that was whipped into a momma's boy.

    Wingcommander, hi

    Sounds like this "kid" grew up and started thinking for himself. Wanted to start taking responsibility for himself and his future. That's good!

    I can sympathize w/ you for your feelings of missed opportunities. I don't know your age, but can you further your education now?? If not, be thankful for what you have and enjoy your life.


  • BizzyBee


    I agree with Juni - it may not be too late for further education. That is a boat I also missed - because by the time I left JW's I had the responsibility of earning a living, then children, etc. I did go to college piecemeal, but its hard to do that way.

    This is one reason, for me, that it is hard to let go of the resentment toward the WTS - they stole so many hours and opportunities from me.

  • LaCatolica


    Thanks for that story...very interesting. I'm sorry that you were unable to continue your education, but remember, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE! It hurts me to see that such smart people are obligated to quit school when they could very well become great doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. It's a total outrage!

    My husband is 25 and I really want him to get a college education. His mother and the WTBTS were the ones that didn't allow him or his sister to continue to college. He and his sister are so smart and it's a shame that they cannot put those brains to good use.

    I applaud all those JWs who have left and have opens their eyes and gotten themselves educated. It's truly an accomplishment.

  • Cathiew

    Dear Wing Commander

    I sympathise with your viewpoint re elder's son becoming a doctor i.s.o. piano tuner. Did they think that they would have pianos in the paradise earth? Wasn't everything supposed to be so perfect there? Then why would there be a need for a piano tuner when the piano would not go out of tune, assuming that ''the great crowd' would need them to sing joyless Kingdom songs!

    I left school in your grade 10 in 1975 because I read the Kingdom Ministry sheet that asked what I was going to do until Armageddon so I left to knock on doors fulltime. I was university material but naturally nobody at WTBS wants any educated person to start asking intelligent questions.

    Hopefully the doctor will get a better worldview by being out in ''the world'' and somebody can reach him and tell him the truth out there i.s.o. being locked up in the Tower. He probably became a doctor on their instructions to help the cause of no blood transfusions, don't you think?!


  • hartstrings

    It's never too late Wing Commander! I'm a part-time college student, mother of two preschool-aged children, and a business owner. They stole the first part of your life, don't let them steal the rest!!


  • LaCatolica



    Best of luck with all your endeavors!

  • bebu

    Well, I hope this means that his parents also left the org, because funding a medical education isn't easy. And he obviously wasn't the guy everyone thought he was.

    And if you are the same age as this guy, you must be in your twenties. You can STILL do something great--in fact, you might have some capital stored up for education. GO FOR IT.


  • kid-A

    When I was in grad school we had at least 4-5 mature students enrol in the medical school every year. They were typically in their late 30's to mid-40s, so as the other posters pointed out, its NEVER too late to fulfill your dreams. Go for it.

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