Ok..How Can I Put This.....

by Legolas 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • EAGLE-1

    My thoughts exactly.Appears and declares his presence non stop for centuries to people that had to be CONSTANTLY reminded supposedly.Miracles and blah blah blah and now NOTHING.

    Early mans version of sci-fi.

  • daystar

    This is only the Christian viewpoint. The Muslims believe that their message from Allah via Mohammed is newer revelation from God. There are other, smaller religions that believe theirs to be even newer.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Legolas, I used to ask myself that same question when I was a "bs believer", now I believe God never interacted with humans, it was just some power hungry priests that made the sh*t up to keep the people under control, and everyone was too ignorant to question it, and those that did were accused of witchcraft or going against God and were killed. The interesting thing is that these ideas have survived for so long, but I feel that it won't be long now before many realize what games that old book has played with our minds!! But the age of enlightenment is here, much to the chagrin of organized religion!!!


  • Mary
    When Jesus paid the price for Adam's decendants over 2.000 years ago why hasn't God done the same that he did back in the garden. Why not immeadiate reward, back into the garden, return to the tree of life and the death process reversed.

    This is exactly why Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah. One of my coworkers is an Orthodox Jew and she asked me this very question: If Jesus was the Messiah, why didn't he restore the Kingdom when he was alive? Or, if he was the Messiah and had to die for mankind, then the benefits should have begun immediately. In 2,000 nothing has changed.

    I didn't know what to say.

  • BizzyBee

    If you take the Bible as literal history, then if certainly seems that God has been silent these many years. Remember the GOD IS DEAD movement about 20-30 years ago? Made the cover of TIME magazine as I recall.

    Funny, I was thinking about this last night, too. Is God gone? Not feeling well? Busy? Bored? Pissed? All of the above? Makes you wonder....................

  • bikerchic
    how god had always dealt with people in the bible...kinda like there was 'proof' of him for all those thousands of years...right? ....Well how come nothing in the last nearly two thousand years?

    We're not worthy!

  • Carmel


    Ultimately it boils down to understanding the bible literally or figuratively! Mary's description of her Jewish relatives is a perfect example of literalists not being able to "see with their eyes and hear with their ears". Jesus talked about those that "had ears to hear but were dumb, eyes to see but were blind". Taking the bible literally, parcing out scripture to fit a preconcieved emotion based belief, which I call spiritual candy, sweet to the lips but lacking in nutrition, always ends in meaningless dogma and doctrins of man. Who concieves of these superficial doctrins and renderings, not the Jesuses, Buddahs, Mohammeds or Christnas of the world. Their pure teachings propelled man forward until the weight of self-interest, want of leadership and control have corrupted the original intent.

    So your question betrays a tendency that many fundamentalist Christians (of which I lump the JWs) fall prey too. Taking stories that were metaphoical and assuming they are/were literal history and trying to make any sense out of them.

    I'll get off my podiummmmmmmmmmmm


  • unclebruce

    But Carmel, surely you aren't suggesting that we ask the Jews about the intent and meaning of their own writings? How novel in this world of west is best

  • valkyrie
    Well how come nothing in the last nearly two thousand years?

    I mean what's up with that????

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