Judicial Committees site

by Double Edge 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    On another thread today, poster SASS_MY_FRASS said they had been on the following interesting website:


    I checked it out and there are several long stories of ex-jws and their JC meetings. A lot of good information there (as well as "ammunition")..

    I didn't want this to get lost, so I started a separate thread.

  • greendawn

    I always thought the JW elders have no proper religious training and they are not suited for running religious committees that can seriously damage people's emotional health especially of young ones.

    It's a sign of the overall state of this religion, it is run in a very casual and unprofessional way.

  • stillajwexelder

    i think also if we get enough JC threads, they may be able to go in the best of section on this website - What do you think Lady Lee?

  • Rabbit

    That's a very informative site, it gets to the meat of the matter -- quickly.

    Thanks, Rabbit

  • sass_my_frass

    I needed some kind of JW material to read, when this site was down! I found I couldn't keep listening to Sickoflies' tapes because they were too close to home, and there was too much in them that was exactly like what happened to me. The first two transcripts on that site are stunning. I can't even think of the words. Definitely worth a look. His summaries of changed doctrine are also exceptional. I don't know how long ago his JC's were, but wherever he is out there, I hope he's doing brilliantly.

  • Pwned

    I just read the JC and appeal for James Caputo. Thats pretty cool. I didn't realize that on JC's for apostacy they even allowed you to defend your viewpoint. I wonder if they always allow this. I always imagined that they would cut the accused off and not let them speak out of fear that they would be 'stumbled' or whatever.

    How can they not see the logic in his arguments? I wonder if they all are still true believers.

  • Pwned

    Question for elders on commitees for apostacy or for accused:

    Was this how ur case was handled?

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