JWD Beer

by confusedjw 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Guiness or Murphys.

  • daystar

    That's kind of cool.

    I used to be partial to Shiner Bock, brewed in Shiner, Texas. But I got tired of my gums being raw the day after.

    So now I stick mainly to light lagers with lime, or red beers. (Still insist on my root beer floats being dropped in Guiness though.)

  • anewme

    No, it was neither Murpy's Stout nor Guiness, though I do love a good Guiness on tap best. Nice beverage.
    No, this beer is one of two very very deepest darkest beers there are. And I might add they are not popular. But every now and then some boy in a Bev Mo knows what I am talking about. I always get an instant mini crush on a boy who has heard of my beer and likes it!

  • looking_glass

    Perfect hangover cure. Something here in the US called Chaser. You take it when you start drinking, next day you are good to go, no worries.

  • looking_glass

    There is a Canadian beer from Molson called Brador (sp?). We cannot get it here in the States. I have even e-mailed and written Molson to beg them to ship it to the States but they won't. Those Canadians, they are so stingy with their good beer. Anyways, I use to have a connection that would bring it back with him when he would return from his many fishing trips to Canada. Alas, he is still a solid JW and I no longer am in contact with him. So no Brador.

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