UPDATE to clay's story

by clay 6 Replies latest social relationships

  • clay

    as some of you might remember i posted this quite awhile ago. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/20/90830/1.ashx
    well, i have been through alot, hurricane katrina has taken everything from me. i lived in venice La which is where katrina's initial landfall was and there is nothing left. my house and everythng i owned is gone. only thing left is a few building's in my area. we had 26ft of water for 3 weeks covering our home's then it resided some and dropped to 18ft for 3 month's.
    well anyway back to the girl situation i abandoned my quest for her, i took you guys advice and moved on "although i still have feeling's for her". i have moved and am living on the northshore above lake ponchatrain and do not plan on moving back. i do not know where she is and maybe that's a good thing.

    well ttyl clay

  • Crumpet

    I couldn't recall you from first tiem round. So sorry to hear you were so affected by the hurricane and its taking you time to get back on your feet. Glad you are okay in body and mind though.

  • jgnat

    Wow, Clay, amazing story. I'm sorry you lost the girl, I know it must hurt. It is gratifying to hear back from posters to see how they end up. Thank you for popping by. I hope you all success in rebuilding your life, and that you find another love of your life, someone with a little less baggage.

  • anewme

    Clay, Im sure you are understating your tremendous grief over your losses of last year.
    Believe me, the future will be better than you can imagine!
    I've had great losses all my life.
    Mother left when I was a child.
    New step mother and my father kicked me out for becoming JW and sold all my possessions and disinherited me.
    Arson fire when I was 24 again destroyed all my possessions.
    My JW husband broke his neck and became permanently helpless.
    I got dfd.

    Now the good part!!! Life has been on an uphill swing since then! Who knew????

    I've got so much STUFF now and a new young husband (robbed the baby cradle) and its Springtime!

    Hang in there Clayboy!! It gets better! Mark my words.


  • KW13

    its an awful thing you've been through. i don't think i could cope with that but its nice to have you here.

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi clay, I remember you and wondered what happened to you. Sorry you were blasted by the hurricane. Where are you now?

  • sass_my_frass

    If she was affected by the hurricane too, one of these will have happened:

    - she realised how precious her life is and left the cult to seek her happiness.

    - more likely; she convinced herself that this is proof that we are in the Last Days and became more committed than ever. Sadly, this is probably what has happened to her.

    Hang in there bud.

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