What kind of safety precautions do dubs take for field service?

by Check_Your_Premises 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Do they provide guidelines about safely entering homes?

    If a jw enters a home for the first time, what kind of safety precautions are taken by the car group to ensure the safety of the jw?

    For instance I was shocked to find out my jw wife wasn't instructed by the elders as to which homes belonged to registered sex offenders. This is information that is EASILY available, yet nobody even thought to look up a web site and print it off!!!

    Are jw's expected to go to EVERY door?

    For instance, say there is a bunch of empty crack vials on the lawn, maybe a Nazi flag. Is the jw actually expected to knock on that door?

    What if you are in a bad, unfamiliar neighborhood. Are jw's actually expected to approach all these doors with their children?


  • Finally-Free

    My ex had a device that emitted a high pitched sound to scare away dogs. Every so often I'd borrow it, not because I was afraid of dogs, but I'd use it on every dog I passed just to annoy them. Service was boring, and I needed entertainment. Once she caught on to what I was doing she stopped loaning it to me.


  • Crumpet

    Sisters are not supposed to enter the home of a man without going and telling the brother leading the ministry effort that day which house they are going into. But yes if you are expected to go to every house that has not been registered by the householder as a Do Not Call.

  • 5thGeneration

    No precautions. Blind, Jehovah will protect us, no common sense mentality!

    My 8 year old daughter and I had a guy come out of his house with a huge knife. Fortunately, he seemed intent on going somewhere else.

    Irony, my protection mode came out and I was ready to beat the %$#@ out of this guy... IN SERVICE!

    Wonder how the elders would have felt.

  • lovelylil

    In my KH none.

  • anewme

    Safety precautions? Ha!

  • Mary
    What kind of safety precautions do dubs take for field service?

    Well, I think they say a prayer before they head out door......that's about it. Oh, and I'm sure they're told about where the apostates live so they shouldn't go there. Other than that, yep, everyone is fair game.

  • Elsewhere

    The WTS would never offer any formal advice for JWs as this would imply agency, authority or responsibility over the JWs. This in turn would open the WTS to legal liability in the event of a lawsuit resulting from the preaching activity.

    You have to remember, the WTS always insists that JWs are acting on their own and are in no way controlled by the WTS.

  • Dismembered

    There's no need. I was told the Angels are directin' the work. No worries


  • blondie

    Women are encouraged to go in twos, and not at night unless very familiar wirth the neighborhood or with a brother. In some neighborhoods, brothers go in groups of four to the door.

    Going inside is usually not a good idea on the first call. Especially if it's 2 sisters and a man home alone.

    Each JW has to use sound judgment.

    Like going to a door with a dog loose in the yard.

    As to sex offenders, few non-JWs have any good sense in that regard, even if having access to a computer and the smarts to look data up. Not all sex offenders are on the database, so you could have a false sense of security.

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