Guitar Hero for the PS2

by kittyeatzjdubs 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    I had never heard of it until now. I did a little surfing and it looks like a great concept for a game. It's one of the top sellers on Amazon too.

    I was hoping to find that it worked with an actual guitar, almost like a guitar instruction game. Now that would kick a$$.

  • Finally-Free
    It's all I've done for the past 3 days.

    Is that why your book study™ isn't prepared?


  • daystar


    That's what I was thinking too. If you had to actually learn the songs, now that would be rockin'!

  • misspeaches

    can you describe how the game works at all?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    can you describe how the game works at all?

    Well, you get loads and loads of dead people coming right at you (honest Brother Elder, I thought it was a game about the Resurrection), and when it gets to rubber sheet time (as in you need to sit on one), you pass the controls over to someone elderly with a heart condition.

    Oh wait, you meant Guitar Heroes, right? Not a clue sorry.

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