Why wasnt Noah's wife mentioned in Bible?

by Stewart75 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Stewart75
  • greendawn

    That was a very patriarchal society and women were rarely mentioned. In the pre flood period a lot of males are mentioned but hardly any women, not even the wives of Noah's sons.

  • looking_glass

    In our congo this was discussed, during the weekly bible reading. There was spec. that it was because she was not a "true believer". The thought process was that Noah's sons and their wives were mentioned (granted for the chicks it was very briefly and if I recall it was the whole and she had two sons and they had two sons, etc.) so the conductor speculated that the reasons Noah's wife was not mentioned was because she must have been bad or Jah was unhappy with her.

    Or again, as Greendawn said, it was probably because she had a vagina. Okay, not exactly like what GD said, but shorter and to the point.

    Sincerely, from someone from the V class.

  • greendawn

    That was mere speculation, there is no reason to believe that Noah's wife was not a believer.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    She has a brief mention in Genesis 7v7.

  • looking_glass

    GD - isn't most of what is taught from the podium a speculation. Think about all the theories regarding the New System of Things. All mere speculation.

    Well considering how much is covered regarding Noah, it is a shame there was only a brief mention of her. Think about how great her story could have been. Dear Diary - Well my husband Noah is hearing voices again. Yup, it appears the St. John's Wart is not working any more. He claims he has to make a boat big enough for all the animals. In the mean time I get to do everything around here to feed the family. I hope this gentic flaw does not get passed on to the kids. I am still trying to figure out what an ark is. Oh well, I have to leave to go harvest the fields so my family can be fed.

  • Dismembered

    She was to busy creating/sewing a shroud to cover up his naked body for the next time he got drunk and posed in the buff like animal crackers for his 3 boys.


  • sir82

    She failed to average 10 hours per month in service, so she didn't earn the privilege of being mentioned in the Bible.

  • EAGLE-1

    Sometimes when you make up a story its hard to make up names.

  • blondie

    Noah's wife and daughters-in-law are mentioned, but their given names aren't recorded. Since the family line descended through the men, the names of the women were considered unnecessary.

    Without looking, besides Eve, who are the women mentioned by name before the biblical flood account? Who is the first one after?


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