
by Wendy_Warden 5 Replies latest social relationships

  • Wendy_Warden

    What does it mean for a JW to be inactive? And why do people call them dubs? Sorry if I should know this but I am kind of new.

  • jwfacts

    Due to the Watchtower Societies emphasis on numbers there are a whole range of terms that do not have any biblical reason.
    To be counted as a JW you need to report at least one hour witnessing a month (15 min in some cases)
    If a person does not put in a report they become 'irregular'
    If they do not put in a report for 6 months in a row (that is that are not witnessing for over 6 months) they become classified as an 'inactive' JW.
    In any given month only active JWs are counted in the statistics of the number of JWs

    Dub is slang from JW. Dub being the shortened sound of W, doub.le U

  • Honesty

    What does it mean for a JW to be inactive? When a JW does not fill out a time card reporting how many hours of service, magazine placements, etc. he/she is considered inactive (translated spiritually weak). And why do people call them dubs? J. W. = JAY DUBya therefore, dubs. Sorry if I should know this but I am kind of new. That's Ok. I didn't know what a dub was when I was one.

  • looking_glass

    Inactive is a way of getting out without either being disfellowshipped or disassociating yourself. For Jehovah's Witnesses there is no such thing as once a JW always a JW. You are either active or inactive, or DF'd or DA'd.

    Dubs is an abrv. way of say JWs. Like Bush is George W (dubba) Bush. It is a slight tongue in cheek kind of expression.

  • TheListener

    Just to beat the proverbial dead horse:

    Each baptized Jehovah's Witness is expected to report their hours of preaching on a monthly basis.

    If you miss a report you are considered 'irregular' The title 'irregular' lasts until you turn in 6 consecutive monthly reports.

    If you miss 6 consecutive reports you are considered 'inactive.' The elders will try (well, they're supposed to) to reactivate individuals who fall into the 'inactive' category. It doesn't look good on the report to the Circuit Overseer to have 'irregular' and 'inactive' Witnesses in the congregation.

  • EAGLE-1

    Cute avatar

    What they said.......

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