Combatting Mind Control by Steve Hassan - with WT References

by ithinkisee 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ithinkisee

    Combatting Cult Mind Control : The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults

    by Steven Hassan ISBN: 0892813113 (Available on and most libraries)

    Some Notes:

    Steve Hassan, ex-Moonie writes books exposing the cult mind-control methods.

    Four basic categories, called the BITE model.

    (1) Behaviour Control

    (2) Information Control

    (3) Thought Control

    (4) Emotional Control.

    The author supports these categories with traits one can use to identify cult mind-control tactics:

    Behavior Control

    • Constant reminding of authority of the leaders
    • Obedience to human representation is the most important lesson they teach. Just believe. Don’t question.
    • Their exemplary behavior makes the group feel particularly spiritual and appear spiritual to outsiders
    • Link their control of behavior to “special” spiritual insight of scripture.
    • If a person has trouble conforming they may be urged to become more like an older group member; to follow the leaders' "example".
    • Most groups have a stringent schedule for members. There is always something to do in these groups. It has its own distinctive set of behaviours that bind it together.

    Information Control

    • Important information which is available to the general public is withheld from members and potential members. Deny a person the information needed to make a sound judgment and he will be incapable of doing so.
    • Deception is the basic feature of all group recruitment. It is also what keeps people inside cults.
    • Information is one of the best weapons against these groups.
    • Information about the group’s history, purposes, doctrines, financial disclosures, methods of dealing with problems, counseling, training, and discipline for offenses are kept as confidential as possible.
    • Only those members with trusted status are allowed inside information.

    Thought Control

    • The person can only think positive thoughts about the group. If there is a problem the member assumes responsibility and works harder.
    • Incoming information is filtered through the beliefs which also regulates how this information is thought about.
    • The cult has its own language which further regulates how a person thinks:
    • The change in definitions of significant words or doctrines keeps even the members from understanding their own beliefs. “
    • Truth" and reality are distorted for those inside the group by subtly changing the definitions of common terms with new meanings through the use of code words, cliches, and slogans.
    • Members are conditioned that questioning the leadership is a sign of weakness: (i.e. "I can't think about that." "How can you question (the leaders) after all they have done?" etc. The intention is to stop questions regarding the system or leaders.
    • Members are conditioned to view "faith" in terms of blind submission to the leaders, rather than positive certainty in God's love.
    • Members are conditioned to feel guilty for any curiosity about what is going on within the group; curiosity is a lack of faith.
    • God is defined by, and eventually becomes the group.

    Emotional Control

    • Group members cannot see the control by guilt and like other abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things are wrong, even grateful when a leader points out their transgressions.
    • Fear is used to manipulate two ways. The first is to create an outside enemy (we vs them) who is persecuting you. The second is the fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not “good enough.” Being “good enough” is following the ideology perfectly.
    • The most powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group. There is no physical gun held to their heads but the psychological gun is just as if not more powerful.
    • Phobic attitudes or behaviors are sometimes noticeable when attempts are made to converse with members regarding their belief in the group or its leaders.
    • Fear of confrontation with family is common, resulting in very few people being rescued.
  • ithinkisee

    The traits from the book “Combatting Cult Mind Control are in RED, and the Society's quotes are in black. My quotes are in blue.

    Behavior Control

    • Most groups have a stringent schedule for members. There is always something to do in these groups. It has its own distinctive set of behaviours that bind it together.
      • Watchtower 9/15/2005 pg 18, par. 10 “Walk by Faith, Not by Sight!” Some questions we do well to ask ourselves are: ‘What place do material things occupy my life? Am I using the material possessions I have to live a life of pleasure or to promote true worship? What brings me the greatest satisfaction? Is it Bible study and fellowship at Christian meetings, or is it weekends away from Christian responsibilities? Do I reserve many weekends for recreation instead of using such time for the field ministry and other activities in connection with pure worship?’ Walking by faith means that we keep busy in the Kingdom work, with full trust in Jehovah’s promises.
      • KM 1/95 "Always Plenty To Do" We must prepare for and attend weekly congregation meetings. We are encouraged not to let a week go by without having some share in the field ministry. Sufficient time must be regularly set aside for personal and family Bible study. Elders and ministerial servants have many congregation assignments. At times we are asked to help worthy ones in need. 2 Occasionally, some of us may feel overwhelmed by all that we have to do. Yet, the busiest people can be among the happiest if balance and proper perspective are maintained. […]6 There is an added benefit in having plenty to do. When we are busy pursuing a healthy spiritual routine, time seems to go by much faster. Realizing that each day that passes brings us closer to the new world, we gladly accept the full life we enjoy now. We also realize the wisdom of staying busy, inasmuch as we have less time to get involved in futile worldly pursuits.
      • w94 9/1 p 13 Despite Being Made of Dust, Push Ahead!20 Now, during the concluding years of Satan’s world system, is not the time to slow down—not as far as Kingdom preaching is concerned and not as far as developing more fully the fruitage of God’s spirit is concerned. In both areas we have “plenty to do.” Now is the time to push ahead because we know our “labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58) Jehovah will sustain us, for of him David said: “Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.” (Psalm 55:22) What a joy to know that Jehovah is permitting us personally to share in the grandest work imperfect human creatures have ever been assigned to do—and this despite our being made of dust!
      • Watchtower July 1, 1943 pages 204-6
        "Righteous Requirements"
        The territory now being covered one to two times in six months could very easily be covered four to six times in the same period if everyone took his Kingdom responsibilities seriously.

    • Constant reminding of authority of the leaders
      • Watchtower 2001 August 1 p. 14 Make Your Advancement Manifest8 First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave." By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided "at the proper time"--through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions--we can be sure that we maintain "oneness" with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge.--Matthew 24:45.
      • Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.15-20 Allow No Place for the Devil!8 What else does the Devil use in trying to turn us away? Has he not always tried to stir up rebellion, to cause Jehovah's servants to become critical of those taking the lead? 'The elders just do not understand. They are too critical, too demanding,' some may say. A person may go further and claim that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses or other responsible brothers interfere with freedom of conscience and the individual's "right" to interpret the Scriptures. But remember Joseph's humble words: "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Genesis 40:8) And did not Jesus foretell that in these final days an organization of anointed ones, "the faithful and discreet slave," would be entrusted with providing spiritual food at the proper time? (Matthew 24:45-47) Beware of those who try to put forward their own contrary opinions. Also beware of those who want to throw off all restraints or who promise freedom, claiming that Jehovah's Witnesses are slaves! Peter said of false teachers: "While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are existing as slaves of corruption. For whoever is overcome by another is enslaved by this one."-2 Peter 2:1, 19.
        How foolish to take the view that expectations needing some adjustment should call into question the whole body of truth! The evidence is clear that Jehovah has used and is continuing to use his one organization, with "the faithful and discreet slave" taking the lead. Hence, we feel like Peter, who said: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life."
        Only Jehovah's people have completely broken free from Babylonish superstitions. Only they have an organization that completely abides by what God's Word has to say on sexual immorality, abortions, drunkenness, stealing, idolatry, racial prejudice, and other worldly pursuits and practices. And they alone are the ones obeying the command to preach the good news of Jehovah's Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) God's own Word unquestionably points to Jehovah's Witnesses as the one organized people that have his blessing!
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.27 Armed for the Fight Against Wicked Spirits
        Fight Against Independent Thinking
        Really, can we get along without the direction of God's organization?" No, we cannot!-
      • The Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1981We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the ‘faithful and discreet slave' organization.
      • Watchtower 1961 Sept 1 p.539 Staying Awake as Approved Slaves Manifesting loyalty to God's channel and one's brothers and showing love is a fifth way in which we can stay awake as approved slaves.....And lastly, we can stay awake by being respectful and obedient to the organization, the and its appointed servants. Yes, "remember those who are governing you, . . . and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith."--Heb. 13:7. So let us stay awake as approved slaves by co-operating with the "faithful and discreet slave" to the best of our ability.
      • Watchtower July 1, 1943 pages 204-6
        Righteous Requirements
        There is only one organization on earth today fulfilling the righteous requirements outlined in this commission from the Lord. The Society, represented by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is the only one

    • Obedience to human representation is the most important lesson they teach.
      • The Watchtower August 1, 1981, p.26"Your attitude toward the wheatlike anointed “brothers” of Christ and the treatment you accord them will be the determining factor as to whether you go into “everlasting cutting-off” or receive “everlasting life.”
      • The Watchtower December 1, 1981 p.21"Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication (the Society) that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do."
      • The Watchtower, February 1, 1952, pp. 79-80 We should eat and digest and assimilate what is set before us, without shying away from parts of the food because it may not suit the fancy of our mental taste...We should meekly go along with the Lord's theocratic organization and wait for further clarification, rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable to us and proceed to quibble and mouth our criticisms and opinions as though they were worth more than the slave's provision of spiritual food. Theocratic ones will appreciate the Lord's visible organization and not be so foolish as to put against Jehovah's channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings.
      • Watchtower 2002 8/1 pp 9-14 Loyally Submit To Godly Authority20 Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust. They faithfully prepare for and conduct congregation meetings, work side by side with us in preaching the “good news of the Kingdom,” and provide Scriptural advice when we need it.They visit us when we are sick and comfort us when we mourn. They loyally and unselfishly support Kingdom interests. Jehovah’s spirit is upon them; they have his approval.
      • Watchtower 1981 February 15 p.19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible?[…] Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using.
      • The Watchtower; July 1, 1973, pp. 402 Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book.
      • Watchtower 1952 June 1 p.351 Questions from Readers We must be willing to dismiss our own thoughts to make room for God's thoughts, and bend our thinking to conform to the principles of God as shown in his Word, even on this point of family and community responsibility. (Isa. 55:8, 9)
      • 1922 5/1 pg 132
        To be faithful means to be loyal. To be loyal to the Lord means to be obedient to the Lord. To abandon or repudiate the Lord’s chosen instrument means to abandon or repudiate the Lord himself, upon the principle that he who rejects the servant sent by the Master thereby rejects the Master.”
      • 2005 District Assembly Theme: “Godly Obedience
      • 2004 Drama “Respect Jehovah’s Authority

    • Controlled behavior makes the group feel particularly spiritual and appear spiritual to outsiders
      • g94 7/22 p27 Where Parents and Children Listen and Learn Together An elementary-school teacher, … saw something different at the convention. “Those children were sitting up straight for long periods of time. And what is more, they were holding their pencils tight in their hands and taking notes, writing characters correctly despite having to write on their laps. The Witness children are different from other children, even at school, in their way of speaking and listening and in their dress and grooming.” She then added: “I think it is because of their daily training, their praising Jehovah, and their families working together toward one end.”
      • w02 11/1 p12 Maintain Fine Conduct The success of most of Jehovah’s Witnesses in maintaining exemplary standards is seen in comments about them that have been published over the years. For example, Il Tempo of Italy reported: “People who have Jehovah’s Witnesses as workmates describe them as honest workers, so convinced of their faith that they may appear obsessed by it; nevertheless, they command respect for their moral integrity.” The Herald of Buenos Aires, Argentina, said: “Jehovah’s Witnesses have proved through the years to be hardworking, sober, thrifty, and God-fearing citizens.” The Russian scholar Sergei Ivanenko stated: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are known throughout the world as impeccably law-abiding people and particularly for their scrupulous attitude toward paying taxes.” The manager of a facility in used by Jehovah’s Witnesses for their convention said: “I see some Witnesses picking up paper and cleaning toilets. The showgrounds are left cleaner than before. Your teenagers are principled. I wish the whole world was full of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    • The leaders link their control of behavior to “special” spiritual insight of scripture.
      • The Watchtower; July 1, 1973, pp. 402 Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book.
      • The Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1967. p. 587. Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible.
      • Watchtower July 1, 1943 pages 204-6 "Righteous Requirements" There is only one organization on earth today fulfilling the righteous requirements outlined in this commission from the Lord. The Society, represented by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is the only one
    • If a person has trouble conforming (especially young ones) they may be urged to become more like an older group member; to follow the leaders' "example".
      • Awake! May 22, 1998 p. 13 Young People Ask . . .Who Should Be My Role Model?
        How a Good Role Model Can Help You
        But usually it’s not hard to figure out who in the congregation are truly “walking in the truth.” The principle at Hebrews 13:7 states: “As you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith.” For most of your peers, how their conduct will turn out remains to be seen. But there are older ones in the congregation who have proved their faithfulness, and it’s wise to get to know them.
      • Our Kingdom Ministry July 1994 p. 2 Younger Ones Need a Good ExampleWe rejoice to have with us a growing number of young people who are ‘praising Jehovah’s name.’ (Ps. 148:12, 13) Many of them are still quite young in years. Their progress is largely determined by the training and example provided by their parents and other older ones in the congregation.
      • Watchtower Apr 1, 1986 p.30-31 Questions From Readers Approved association with Jehovah's Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • ithinkisee

    Information Control

    • Important information which is available to the general public is withheld from members and potential members. Research and education outside of the group is discouraged.

      • Watchtower 1967 June 1 p.335
        Move Ahead with Jehovah's Organization
        But in Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society.
      • Awake! May 8 1989 pp.13-14 What Career Should I Choose? University Education—Advantageous?In view of these facts, many Christian youths have decided against a university education. Many have found that the training offered in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses—the weekly . [...]
        Perhaps you can continue living at home and avoid getting caught up in the university scene. Be selective in your choice of courses, for example, focusing on learning job skills rather than worldly philosophies. Guard your associations.
      • Watchtower September 1 1975 p.543 Questions from Readers
        How many years of secular education are advisable for children in Christian households?

        Today, there are many teenage baptized servants of Jehovah… how far should they go with a secular education? It would hardly be consistent for such a youth, of his own choice , to pursue extensive secular studies beyond what is required by the law and by his parents… additional years of college education may present snares.
      • Watchtower 1969 March 15 p.171 What Influences Decisions in Your Life?The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God's Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future!
      • Note To Self: Add new articles from 2005 bashing education again.
    • Deception is the basic feature of all group recruitment. It is also what keeps people inside cults.
      • Conversation Stopper: “We’re not here to change your religion.”
      • Conversation stopper: “We are here to help you develop a personal relationship with God.”
      • Conversation Stopper: “We are here to help you gain personal knowledge of the bible.”
      • Pretty much the whole Reasoning Book

    • Information is one of the best weapons against these groups.
      • Watchtower 1967 June 1 p.335
        Move Ahead with Jehovah's Organization
        But in Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society.
      • Watchtower 1981 February 15 p.19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible?OUR VIEW OF THE "SLAVE"
        […] Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using.
      • Constant discouragement of “secular education” in favor of “divine education”.
      • Discouragement of using Internet for research. (We live in the Information Age
    • Information about the group’s history, purposes, doctrines, financial disclosures, methods of dealing with problems, counseling, training, and discipline for offenses are kept as confidential as possible.
      • Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock (book) Unit 5(b) p.110(Note: this is regarding judicial matters) If the accused wishes to bring witnesses who can speak in his defense regarding the matter, he may do so. However, observers are not permitted. No tape-recording devices are allowed.Compare this with Judicial Committee precedence in Acts.
      • (for Elders), November & December, 1994

    Six Expressions That Should Not Be Used on S77 and S79 Forms

      • Anything alluding to or naming one of the Society's attorneys
      • Any mention of the Legal Department
      • Any comments referring to direction from the Society
      • Any comments mentioning anyone other than the committee itself as a possible influence in the decision reached
      • Any comments that might suggest to someone with a critical eye that the committee did not reach its decision on its own but, instead, somehow yielded to the influence of an outside party
      • Any comments indicating that the elders mishandled the case or committed any error in the investigation or the judicial committee process.
    • The Watchtower 1960 6/1 351-2 Questions from Readers
      God’s Word commands: “Speak truth each of you with his neighbor.” (Eph. 4:25) This command, however, does not mean that we should tell everyone who asks us all he wants to know. We must tell the truth to one who is entitled to know, but if one is not so entitled we may be evasive. But we may not tell a falsehood.
  • ithinkisee

    Thought Control

    • Leaders of these groups repress questions by conditioning their members to employ "thought-stopping" statements to drown out doubt, questions, anxiety or uncertainty, such as "I can't think about that." "How can you question (the leaders) after all they have done?" etc. The intention is to stop questions regarding the system or leaders.
      • Watchtower 2002 8/1 pp 9-14 Loyally Submit To Godly Authority20 Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust. They faithfully prepare for and conduct congregation meetings, work side by side with us in preaching the “good news of the Kingdom,” and provide Scriptural advice when we need it.They visit us when we are sick and comfort us when we mourn. They loyally and unselfishly support Kingdom interests. Jehovah’s spirit is upon them; they have his approval. (In other words, “Look at all they have done for us!”)
      • Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.15-20 Allow No Place for the Devil! If you are counseled or even reproved for some wrong practice or attitude, this, too, may prove to be an ideal time for the Devil to prompt you to ask yourself if you are in the right organization. So keep humble.
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.27 Fight Against Independent Thinking If we get to thinking that we know better than the organization, we should ask ourselves: "Where did we learn Bible truth in the first place? Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization? Really, can we get along without the direction of God's organization?" No, we cannot!-
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22 Exposing the Devil's Subtle Designs

    Avoid Independent ThinkingHow is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization.

    • The cult has it’s own language which further regulates how a person thinks. Different words make the members feel special and separate from outsiders.
      • Watchtower 2002 9/1 pp19-24 Imitate The Great Teacher
        Our understanding of God’s Word has given us a unique vocabulary. If we use such expressions as “the faithful and discreet slave,” “other sheep,” and “
      • More words to make us feel special. Publisher, District Overseer, Circuit Overseer, Kingdom Hall, the Truth, the Society, Service Department, Field Service, turning in your Time, Return Visit, Placement, Magazine route, Territory Card, perfection / imperfection, Paradise earth, anointed, little flock, other sheep, bethel home, bethel elder, Bethelite, monthly average, national average, inactive, Field service report, conversation stopper, elder meeting, theocratic ministry school, talk assignment, spirit-directed Organization, whole-souled service, Pioneer, Need-Greater, Ministerial Servants w/ specific titles (e.g. Literature, Accounts), Shepherding Call, Reinstate, Disfellowship, Disassociate, Private Reproof, marked, Judicial Committee, Appeal Committee, Governing Body, Faithful and Discreet Slave, Spiritual Virgins, Channel (also Channel of Holy Spirit), Envoys (underlings of the Ambassadors of Christ), worldling, sticktoitiveness, Wait on Jehovah!, Opposer, Foregleam, Divided Household, NEW LIGHT, Mother organization, Honest hearted-one, Old system of things, divine education, Jehovah’s Administration
    • The change in definitions of significant words and doctrines keeps even the members from understanding their own beliefs.
      • Will the Sodomites be resurrected?
        Watchtower of 7/1879 p 8 “the Sodomites will be resurrected.”
        Watchtower of 6/1/52 p 338 “the men of will not be resurrected.”

    Watchtower of 8/1/65 p 479 “the men of will be resurrected.”

    Watchtower of 6/1/1988 p 31 “men of will not be resurrected.”

    Live Forever 1982 edition page 179 “men of will be resurrected.”
    Live Forever 1989 version page 179 “Men of Sodom will not be resurrected.”
    Insight Vol. 2 page 985 “men of will be resurrected.”
    Revelation book page 273 “men of will not be resurrected.”

    • If a woman does not scream when she is raped, is this an act of fornication and therefore a sin? FORNICATIONWT 1/15/64 p.63;
      WT 1/15/64 p.64;
      WT 6/1/68 p.347 NOT FORNICATION (implied) 1969, 1971 Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 1371+, 601


    Awake! 3/8/74 p.14

    NOT FORNICATION (implied)

    Awake! 7/8/80 p.5,6


    WT 10/15/80 p.7


    WT 3/15/83 p.30


    Awake! 2/22/84 p.2

    Awake! 2/22/84 p.25


    Awake! 6/8/84 p.28

    FORNICATION Awake! 5/22/86 p.23

    NOT FORNICATION (?) (not sure really … a vague response)

    Awake! 9/22/86 p.28


    Awake! 3/8/93 p.5

    • Are the increases in numbers of Jehovah’s Witnesses evidence that they have God’s divine favor and blessing?
      NO -
      Examining the Scriptures Daily, May 19th, 2002
      Of course, the number of those associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor.
      YES - Watchtower July 1, 2002, p.13, paragraph 17-19Now is the time for Jehovah to express mercy to his anointed servants and their other sheep companions. The evidence that this is so is the extraordinary increase with which he has blessed them…
      18. Each year, hundreds of thousands of additional "foreigners" associate with Jehovah's organisation, and the way will remain open for many more to follow them. Jehovah says to Zion: "Your gates will actually be kept open constantly; they will not be closed even by day or by night, in order to bring to you the resources of the nations, and their kings will be taking the lead" (Isaiah 60:11) Some opposers try to close those 'gates,' but we know that they cannot succeed. Jehovah himself has said that one way or another, the gates will stay open. The increase will continue.19. There are still other ways that Jehovah has blessed his people, making them beautiful in these last days.
    • Who Is Speaking At Rev 22:12,13?“Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

    Watchtower 1955 July 1 p.387

    It’s Jesus.

    Watchtower 1967 November 15 p.680

    It’s Jehovah

    Awake! 1978 August 22 p.28

    It’s Jehovah

    Watchtower 1978 October 1 p.15

    It’s Jesus.

    Watchtower 1988 June 15 p.20

    It’s Jehovah

    Revelation Climax (1988) (switchup in the same book)

    First, it’s Jehovah (p.316)

    Then it’s Jesus. (p.319)

    Watchtower 1999 Dec 1 p.19 (switchup in the same article)

    First it’s Jesus. (paragraph 18)

    Then it’s Jehovah (paragrah 19)

    • Who are the superior authorites spoken of at Romans 13:1?1886 - Earthly governments (Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, p.266) 1889 - Earthly governments (Time Is At Hand, 1889, p.81) 1932-1963: God and Christ (Vindication, Vol. 3, 1932, p.13 and The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, p.312) 1952 - God and Christ (Let God Be True, 1952, p.248) 1959 - God and Christ (Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p.91) 1963 - Earthly political governments (WT 1/1/63 p.31) 1975 - Earthly political governments (1975 Yearbook, p.238)
      1980 - Earthly political governments (WT 5/15/80 p.4)
    • Society’s View of Organ TransplantsConscience matter
      The Watchtower 08/01/1961 p. 480
      The question of placing one's body or parts of one's body at the disposal of men of science or doctors at one's death for purposes of scientific experimentation or replacement in others is frowned upon by certain religious bodies. However, it does not seem that any Scriptural principle or law is involved. It therefore is something that each individual must decide for himself. Prohibited. It is cannibalism.Watchtower, 11/15/1967, pp.702-4 Organ transplants are cannibalism, hence inappropriate for Christians. Prohibited. It is cannibalism.Awake!, 6/19/1968, p.21 "Jehovah's Witnesses consider all organ transplants to be cannibalism, hence unacceptable". Blood is prohibited because blood is an organ and organ transplants are cannibalism.Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood, p.41 (1977) Consequently, whether having religious objections to blood transfusions or not, many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood.– Allowed.Watchtower, 3/15/1980, p.31 "Organ transplants are not necessarily cannibalistic".

    Woman dies from refusing bone marrow transplant in 1978 – only two years before Society’s reversal on organ transplants:

    Copyright 1978 NEW YORK TIMES November 26, 1978, Sunday

    SECTION: Page 47, Column 4 LENGTH: 74 words


    Thirteen-year-old Lori Mason of (Mass) dies on same day special court session was scheduled to ensure that her rights were being fully presented after judge upheld her decision to decline bone marrow transplant from her sister. Had refused transplant on religious grounds as member of Jehovah's Witnesses and feared possibilty of endangering her sister's health. Had suffered from disease called Fanconi's aplastic anemia (S).

    Reasoning From The Scriptures – False Prophets p136 par4

    Matters on which corrections of viewpoint have been needed have been relatively minor when compared with the vital Bible truths that they have discerned and publicized. (needless death is relatively minor??)

    • God is defined by, and eventually becomes the group.
      • Watchtower June 15, 1957 p. 370It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the direction of the “slave” as we would to the voice of God, because it is his provision.
      • Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pg 171Never would we want to have a fleshly viewpoint of this channel of communication. To do so could cause us to lose sight of the fact that Jehovah is directing his organization, and we could thereby reject his efforts to draw us closer to him.
      • Watchtower 1959 May 1 p.269 Attain Completeness in the Society
        In the same way Christ, the Head, employs the organization that is his body to carry out his assigned work. His orders reach the whole of the organization on earth through the governing body, and on down through the Branches to the congregations.--1 Cor. 12:12-18; Matt. 24:45-47. To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.
      • The Watchtower, October 1, 1967, p. 591We cannot claim to love God, yet deny his word and channel of communication.
      • The Watchtower; 10/1/1994; p. 8.
        All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.
      • w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium Only Jehovahs Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4)
      • 1922 5/1 pg 132To be faithful means to be loyal. To be loyal to the Lord means to be obedient to the Lord. To abandon or repudiate the Lord’s chosen instrument means to abandon or repudiate the Lord himself, upon the principle that he who rejects the servant sent by the Master thereby rejects the Master.
      • Watchtower 1952 June 1 p.351 Questions from Readers We must be willing to dismiss our own thoughts to make room for God's thoughts, and bend our thinking to conform to the principles of God as shown in his Word, even on this point of family and community responsibility. (Isa. 55:8, 9)
      • Watchtower 1973 August 1 p.460 Cultivating Friendship with God
        14 Yes, we should be deeply appreciative of all the fine spiritual food that "the faithful and discreet slave" class has been providing through The Watchtower, now for ninety-four years.
      • Watchtower 1981 February 15 p.19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible?[…] Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using.
      • Watchtower July 1, 1943 pages 204-6 "Righteous Requirements"
        This Society was authorized by the Lord to bring forth things new and old for the household of faith and do the work for which the Lord had organized it. Therefore it is fully qualified and duly authorized to issue a "call to action" to all who claim to be on the Lord's side to busy themselves in doing the work of the Lord. (Note: God “speaks” to Faithful & Discreet Slave directly in this article)
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22 Exposing the Devil's Subtle DesignsAvoid Independent Thinking How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization.
  • ithinkisee

    Emotional Control

    • Fear is used to manipulate two ways. The first is to create an outside enemy (we vs them) who is persecuting you.
      • Watchtower 2002 October 1, p.18 Jehovah Blesses and Protects Those Who are ObedientNo doubt prior to and during that time, Gods people will experience major tests of their faith and obedience.
      • Watchtower 2002 October 1, p.9 Cultivate Obedience as the End Draws NearIn fact, the main target of Satan's spiritual warfare consists of Jehovahs anointed ones
      • Watchtower 2002 October 15, p.1 Oppose the DevilIn these "last days", however, Satan is concentrating his efforts on Gods dedicated servants, waging war with anointed Christians…
      • Watchtower 2002 October 15, p.18 Jehovah Cares for You Satan is doing all in his power to bring persecution, opposition, and pressure from all quarters upon Jehovah's people. He tries to disrupt our peace and destroy our fine standing with our God.
      • Watchtower 2002 November 1, p.17 Maintain your Conduct Fine Among the NationsUnfortunately, some "unreasonable men" in authority persecute us or oppose us in other ways - such as by promoting smear campaigns against us. Still, in Jehovah's due time, their lies are always exposed, and their "ignorant talk" is effectively muzzled.
      • Watchtower 2002 Novermber 1, p.19 Christian Neutrality in the Last DaysFirst, we remember that we must expect opposition. We should not be shocked or even surprised if we meet up with it. Paul warned Timothy: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesis will also be persecuted." (2 Timothy 3:13; 1Peter 4:12).
        In a world where Satan's influence reigns, why would we not meet opposition? (Revelation 12:17) As long as we are faithful, there will always be some who are 'puzzled and go on speaking abusively of us.' - 1 Peter 4:4 […] It may be that Jehovah, for his own good purpose, allows pressure from opposers to continue for a while.
      • Worldwide Security Under The "Prince of Peace" There has descended upon this generation the darkest period of all human history! Indeed, there is a fitting darkness outside the visible part of Jehovah’s organization into which the “sluggish” and “good-for-nothing” slave class can be thrown at the order of the Master. Such a “darkness outside” depicts the bedarkened condition of the world of mankind, especially in a religious sense. The world of mankind is not enjoying the light of God’s favor and blessing. It is not in the light of the knowledge of the . It is under “the god of this system of things,” who “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.”
      • You Can Live Forever In On Earth ch. 25 p. 212
        Well, you live in among the people who make up today’s organized human society. These people include fornicators, greedy persons and others who do wicked things. You may work with them, go to school with them, eat with them, and share in other such activities with them. (1 Corinthians 5:9, 10) You are even to love them, as God does. (John 3:16) But a true Christian does not love the wicked things the people do. He does not adopt their attitudes, actions or goals in life. He takes no part in their corrupt religion and politics. And while he must often work in (creating “us vs them” paranoia cont’d)
        the commercial world to make a living, he does not engage in dishonest business practices; nor is the gaining of material things his main goal in life. Since he is for God’s new system, he avoids the bad association of those living for Satan’s world. (1 Corinthians 15:33; Psalm 1:1; 26:3-6, 9, 10) As a result, he is in Satan’s world but still is no part of it.
      • Watchtower 1998 December 1 p.14 Defending Our Faith
        4 Second, Jehovah's Witnesses have been targets of false accusations-barefaced lies and twisted presentations of their beliefs. As a result, they have been the object of unjustified attack in some lands. Further, because they seek nonblood medical treatment that is in harmony with their desire to obey the Bible's command to 'abstain from blood,' they have wrongly been labeled "child murderers" and "a suicide cult."
        (really? compare with:)
        Awake! 1994 May 22 p.2; Youths Who Put God First 3-15
        In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue
      • Watchtower 1998 December 1 p.17 Defending Our Faith
        What About Slanderous Publicity?

        15 At times, Jehovah's Witnesses have been the target of distorted information in the media. For example, on August 1, 1997, a Russian newspaper published a slanderous article claiming, among other things, that Witnesses categorically require members to 'reject their wives, husbands, and parents if these do not understand and do not share their faith.' Anyone who is truly acquainted with Jehovah's Witnesses knows that the charge is false. The Bible indicates that Christians are to treat unbelieving family members with love and respect, and Witnesses endeavor to follow that direction. (1 Corinthians 7:12-16; 1 Peter 3:1-4) Even so, the article was printed, and many readers were thus misinformed. How can we defend our faith when we are falsely accused? (really? compare with:)
        Kingdom Ministry August 2002 pp.3-4
        Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped
        9 Relatives Not in the Household: "The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home," states The Watchtower of April 15, 1988, page 28. "It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum," in harmony with the divine injunction to "quit mixing in company with anyone" who is guilty of sinning unrepentantly. (1 Cor. 5:11) (notice scripture partially quoted to make it say something it didn’t mean.) Loyal Christians should strive to avoid needless association with such a relative, even keeping business dealings to an absolute minimum.
      • Watchtower 1988 April 15 pp.26-31 Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit22 For example, on page 26 we noted Lynette's comment about her choice 'to cut herself off completely from all association' with her disfellowshipped sister Margaret. She and her Christian relatives 'believed that Jehovah's way is best.' And it is! [...] 24 In another case, Laurie's parents were disfellowshipped. Yet she says: 'My association with them never stopped but increased. As time went on, I became more and more inactive. I got to the point of not even attending meetings.' Then she read material in The Watchtower of September 1 and 15, 1981, that stressed the counsel of 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 and 2 John 9-11. "It was as if a light bulb were turned on in me," she writes. 'I knew I would have to make some changes. I now better understand the meaning of Matthew 10:34-36. My decision was not an easy one for my family to swallow, for my son, five, is the only boy, and they love him dearly.' It is hoped that losing such association will touch the parents' hearts, as it did Margaret's. Still, the discipline involved helped Laurie: 'I am back out in the field ministry. My marriage and family are stronger because of my change, and so am I.'
      • Watchtower 3/15/1986, pages 10-11
        "Do Not Be Quickly Shaken From Your Reason'
        But the Devil and other opposers of true worship are skilled in deception. We should never forget that they stand ever ready to break our integrity if they can. Their propaganda is designed to weaken our faith, to cool our love for God, to sow doubts in our minds-yes, to make the spiritual paradise appear to be no paradise at all.
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22 Exposing the Devil's Subtle Designs
        22 This fact cannot be overemphasized: We are in a war with superhuman foes, and we constantly need to be aware of this. Satan and his demons are real; they are not mere figments of the imagination. They are "the world rulers of this darkness," and we have a spiritual fight against them. (Ephesians 6:12) It is absolutely vital that we recognize their subtle designs and not allow ourselves to be overreached by them. Very appropriately, then, we will next consider how we can arm ourselves to fight against these wicked spirits.
      • The Watchtower January 1st 1983 Issue, Page 31
        the expelled mate has proved that he is not the sort of person that we want to be around... So maybe a visit can be made when the disfellowshiped one is known to be out of the house.
      • Watchtower, March 1st 1979 p.24 Outside the true Christian congregation, what alternative organization is there? Only Satan's organization consisting of his political 'wild beast' and his Babylonian world empire of false religion.
      • February 15, 1960 Watchtower Seek Right Associations There is to be no partnership, no fellowship, no portion, no sharing with unbelievers. In other words, no association with them if one is to associate with
        But, to ‘turn away from such,’ to avoid association with them means not to have fellowship with those whose thoughts are not in harmony with God’s thoughts, that is, not to share in their thoughts or conduct.
        Even if such acquaintances are not dishonest or immoral, their first concern is not the worship and service of Jehovah. One who associates regularly with them will soon think as they do.
      • Nov 15, 1952 Watchtower pp.703-704 Questions from Readers (note – this is a paraphrase… not a quote – but the article is on the WT CD-ROM in its entirety.)
        We as Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t kill disfellowshipped people in these modern times. If we could we would. If the children are of age, then there can be a departing and breaking of family ties in a physical way, because the spiritual ties have already snapped.
    • The second way fear is used is the fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not “good enough.” Being “good enough” is following the ideology perfectly.
      • The Watchtower, October 1, 1967, p. 591Make haste to identify the visible theocratic organization of God that represents his king, Jesus Christ. It is essential for life. Doing so, be complete in accepting its every aspect
      • Watchtower Apr 1, 1986 p.30-31 Questions From Readers Approved association with Jehovah's Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    • Group members cannot see the control by guilt and like other abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things are wrong, even grateful when a leader points out their transgressions.
      • Watchtower 2003 10/1 p23 Accepting Jehovah’s Discipline We all need Jehovah’s discipline. (Proverbs 8:33) In fact, we should long for discipline that is based on God’s Word. As we study God’s Word, we can accept the discipline that comes directly from Jehovah through the Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) At times, however, we will receive discipline from fellow Christians. Realizing the spirit in which such discipline is administered will help us to accept it willingly.
      • Watchtower 1986 May 1 pp. 26-28 Can You Accept Discipline?
        Is Discipline Really So Bad?
        So the wise Christian is grateful (!!!) when help is offered in the way of kindly discipline. The words of the prophet are true no matter what our age or experience in life: “I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Hence, all of us need discipline.
        If loving Scriptural discipline is offered on a personal basis, by all means accept it in the spirit in which it is offered. Take advantage of any corrective training that comes from Jehovah.
        Accepting discipline can help us to be among those who please Jehovah. Discipline will help us to ‘walk faultlessly, practice righteousness, and speak the truth in our heart.’ (Psalm 15:1, 2) Therefore , may all of us accept discipline.
      • Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.15-20 Allow No Place for the Devil!
        If you are counseled or even reproved for some wrong practice or attitude, this, too, may prove to be an ideal time for the Devil to prompt you to ask yourself if you are in the right organization. So keep humble

    • The most powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group. There is no physical gun held to their heads but the psychological gun is just as if not more powerful.
      • WT 9/15/1993 p.22"But if we were to draw away from Jehovah's organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy."
      • Watchtower, March 1st 1979 p.24Outside the true Christian congregation, what alternative organization is there? Only Satan's organization consisting of his political 'wild beast' and his Babylonian world empire of false religion.
      • Worldwide Security Under The "Prince of Peace" 7 p. 60There has descended upon this generation the darkest period of all human history! Indeed, there is a fitting darkness outside the visible part of Jehovah’s organization into which the “sluggish” and “good-for-nothing” slave class can be thrown at the order of the Master. Such a “darkness outside” depicts the bedarkened condition of the world of mankind, especially in a religious sense.
      • Watchtower 1957 May 1 p.284 Trust Your Proved, Faithful Brothers
        We will realize that Jehovah knows what is going on in his organization, and if he is willing to permit it, who are we to insist it should be different? If we really have faith, we will know that if it is wrong he will straighten it out eventually, and we are far safer inside his organization even with these minor difficulties than we would be on the outside where only chaos and destruction await us.
    • Phobic attitudes or behaviors are sometimes noticeable when attempts are made to converse with members regarding their belief in the group or its leaders.
      • Typical response if someone questions a pivotal doctrine: “What, are you becoming apostate or something?”
      • Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.27 Fight Against Independent Thinking If we get to thinking that we know better than the organization, we should ask ourselves: "Where did we learn Bible truth in the first place? Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization? Really, can we get along without the direction of God's organization?" No, we cannot!-
      • Namecalling (fallacy: ad hominem):
        “What … are you turning apostate now?”
        ”You are being selfish/prideful/arrogant/faultfinding to question the Organization.
    • Fear of confrontation with family is common, resulting in very few people being rescued.
      • Self explanatory

    Good quote from the book:
    When cult leaders tell the public “Members are free to leave any time they want; the door is open,” they give the impression that members have free will and are simply choosing to stay. Actually, members may not have a real choice, because they have been indoctrinated to have a phobia of the outside world. Induced phobias eliminate the psychological possibility of a person choosing to leave the group merely because he is unhappy or wants to do something else.

  • ithinkisee

    OK ... I give up on the whole color formatting thing. But you get the idea.


  • blondie

    ITIS, it's a keeper. Growing up in a house of abuse, I had to clear that out before I realized I had the same uneasy feelings when reading WTS publications or hearing "encouragement" from the platform. I finally realized that it was abuse too using the same techniques.

    Thanks for your hard work.


  • z

    Wow this is awesome I just printed in color and going to give it tonight to my MS friend


  • ithinkisee

    Also available in PDF format (so all the color coding is correct):

    Cult Traits using Jehovah's Witnesses own literature.

  • serendipity

    Thanks for all your hard work. There's little the WTS doesn't do, according to the model.

    I've brought this up before, but if we applied this criteria to first century Christianity, as described in the Bible, would the 'cult' label also apply?

    I don't want to hijack this thread, so I'll bring my topic back up, for those who want to comment.

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