Are you addicted?

by greendawn 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • greendawn

    Are you addicted to cigarettes or alcohol or perhaps some other habit that you would like to kick? Did you manage to fight successfully a habit in the past or planning a battle for the future?

    I never had any addictions in the past except on sweet things which creates an excess weight problem, as many times as I tried to get rid of it up to now I failed.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Geendawn,

    I am addicted to this website!! But its one I don't plan on trying to kick!! Ha Ha

    Lady Liberty

  • FlyingHighNow

    The internet.

  • nicolaou

    Curry. I'm serious, I cant get through the week without at least one lamb madras, lime pickle, chutnies, poppadoms and shami kebabs!

    Oh God! I want one now!!!!

  • greendawn

    Nick funny that tonight I visited a friend and his wife prepared for us a delicious curry with a more exotic Sri Lankan influence.

    Does your wife make them or do you use take aways and restaurants? In Britain curries are very popular.

    Lady Liberty and FHN I am also to some extend addicted to the JWD and the internet in general.

  • ballistic

    I smoke and drink too much greendawn. I'm gunna give it all up real soon.

  • anewme

    Greendawn, I am easily addicted to everything, so I must guard myself at all times. Seriously.
    Im on another little website for others like me and its helping tremendously. But of course I am getting addicted to it too.


  • G Money
    G Money

    I'm addicted to a few things in this life.... this web site at times, a good stiff drink and hot, slender young girls to go out on the town with! In Mex the drinking age is 18! jejejeje

  • serendipity

    Asti Spumanti. For some reason, I've been craving the stuff for the last six months. I NEVER crave alcohol.

  • looking_glass

    I use to bite my nails. But slowly I worked on not biting one, then the next and eventually I stopped all together. Now I have really great nails. Because I am a chick this was a big deal to me. So I am happy about that.

    I am addited to a soak in the tub. Every night in order to relax, I run a tub bath ... I have a deep soaker tub ... with really hot water. I turn the lights down and read something relaxing. It is an addiction, because I find that when I do not do it, it takes me forever to fall asleep, to get my mind to stop racing with all the things that happened during the day or could possibly happen tomorrow. Not a bad addiction the soaker tub, but an addiction still the same.

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