an epithany

by darth frosty 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    While raking my yard today a had an epithany. I started to thinking, being in the witness organization is a lot like being in an inbred family. Think about the reasons that getting with your sister or fist cousins are wrong. 1. It stifles the gene pool and does not allow expansion of the DNA to evolve to new levels of growth and stability. 2. Because of said closed gene pool new ideas thoughts and revelations are dulled (kinda like the copy of a copy of a copy fade.) 3. Just like the confusion that would result from your sister being your wife and mother of your neices and nephews (not to mention the no teeth thing), it creates inherent problems that cant be escaped. Back when I left one friend of mine would always say 'just go to another hall.' but no matter how many different halls you go to each one has the same problems, clicks and the holier than thou spirit. 6 months at a new hall and the same issues, attitude and spirit will rear its ugly head just with new names and faces.

  • EAGLE-1

    I hope your sister never reads this--------------my mind wonders all the time.

  • lovelylil

    That is actually a pretty good Analogy. I always used to say the Kingdom Hall like a very large disfunctional family. Lilly

  • DanTheMan
    Back when I left one friend of mine would always say 'just go to another hall.' but no matter how many different halls you go to each one has the same problems, clicks and the holier than thou spirit. 6 months at a new hall and the same issues, attitude and spirit will rear its ugly head just with new names and faces.

    True dat. In my observation many dubs spend decades of their lives congregation-hopping every 2 or 3 years, looking for the one that's different from the rest, that isn't so dysfunctional. Every time they switch, for the first few months or so they think they've finally found it. Then after a couple of years, they have the same feelings as they had in their previous cong.

    Another scenario is where the dub stays in the same cong, but they flagellate themselves endlessly because they Struggle™ so much to love The Friends™. They are the ones that are at every meeting, always giving earnest comments and trying to be happy dubs, but it doesn't take a psychologist to figure out that they are deeply sad. When you ask them how they're doing, their inevitable response is that they're "hanging in there".

    A brave and fortunate few eventually start entertaining some very brave thoughts - "this religion sucks! It's not just me!"

  • Honesty

    There is only one way to cure the problem.


  • Pwned

    do you mean epiphany? sorry

  • bikerchic

    Hey I bet your yard looks real purdy!

    I started to thinking, being in the witness organization is a lot like being in an inbred family. Think about the reasons that getting with your sister or fist cousins are wrong. 1. It stifles the gene pool and does not allow expansion of the DNA to evolve to new levels of growth and stability. 2. Because of said closed gene pool new ideas thoughts and revelations are dulled (kinda like the copy of a copy of a copy fade.) 3. Just like the confusion that would result from your sister being your wife and mother of your neices and nephews (not to mention the no teeth thing), it creates inherent problems that cant be escaped. Back when I left one friend of mine would always say 'just go to another hall.' but no matter how many different halls you go to each one has the same problems, clicks and the holier than thou spirit. 6 months at a new hall and the same issues, attitude and spirit will rear its ugly head just with new names and faces.

    I had to laugh when I read the above. When I first saw a therapist and described the whole JW Congregational thing she said it sounded very much like an incestuous organization! I had to think about that for a while but you know she is right! It's very much like a dysfunctional family which you have to die to get out of, there are many ways of killing yourself or disappearing like changing halls....

    Now a funnier thing has happened since I left the Congo and divorced my husband, he remarried the mother of my nieces' husband which makes her son (my nieces') his nephew and grandson. That old hick saying "I am my own grandpa" becomes closer to reality. LOL

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    thx for the comments and yes pwned I did mean epiphany.

  • greendawn

    I also know of JWs that moved around trying to find a better KH more spiritual, friendly, and hospitable, but in vain, since the days of Rutherford the emphasis is not on christian character development but on preaching and that is where the problem lies. All they really care about is preaching, because that gets their books sold.

  • darth frosty

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