First mention of the Catholic Church

by Amazing1914 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    thanks Jim for answering my questions. The two major problems I had with the Roman Catholic Church I grew up in was the infallibility of the Pope and the rules coming down from the Pope as being from God. I didn't know their were other groups within the same system that felt differently. I guess you learn something new every day.

  • Amazing1914


    Even though I grrew up in the Catholic faith, went to Catholic school, being taught by Domincan Sisters, I knew little of the Eastern Church. IN 1965, after Pope Paul and The Patriarch of Constantinople annuled the mutual excomminucation of each other, we were permitted to cross attend mass. My parents and I attended a Byzantine Mass, where they serve both Wine and Bread (Leavened). It was quite an experience.

    In the last year I have been focusing on Orthodox teaching, history, practices, and the history of the early church. This was motivated partly when I saw a video of Pope John Paul from 2002 or 2003. IN the video, it was a Mass held in Moscow ( I think, or in St. Petersburg), Russia in the Russian Orthodox Church. All the Eastern Patriarchs, along with many Cardinals and bishops on both sides were present. The Pope participated as well. It intrigued me and awakened old memories. One thing led to another, and today, I have a whole new view of Catholicism and Orthodoxy as well as the early Church.

    Jim Whitney

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