a book study: on my street !!!!

by kid-A 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    A few months back I started a thread noting the remarkable fact that no JWs had ever knocked on my door since moving into my new house 5 months ago....

    I am pleased to say that to this date, I have had no door knockers at all.....but, guess what kiddies? I was driving home last night (thursday) around 8:45

    and lo and behold, about 10 doors down, I see about 20 JWs emerging from a house from the "thursday night book study" !!!!! hee hee hee......The whole she-bang,

    suits, cases, NWT bibles in hand, the real deal !!! LOL......So perhaps next thursday I will drop by with a bag of pretzels and a 2-4 of beer and invite myself in for some

    upbuilding association with the brothers!!! There goes the neighbourhood!!!

    Now heres what I find weird, JWs live on my street, and yet my street is NEVER canvassed !!!

  • Finally-Free
    So perhaps next thursday I will drop by with a bag of pretzels and a 2-4 of beer and invite myself in for some

    Why waste good beer? Keep it for yourself.

    Maybe we should arrange for an "apostate" sound car to park in front of the house to dispense illuminating™ spiritual food™.


  • kid-A


    I'm thinking of marching up and down the street with a vintage "Religion is a snare and a racket" sandwich board strapped to me!! tee hee.

  • Finally-Free

    heh heh. That reminded me - my old PO, on his 25th wedding anniversary, had a "congregation get together" at his house. Some "apostates" must have heard about it, because a bunch of them went by his house with a sound car and signs. A few of us were watching from his poarch.

    I'd enjoy something like that!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Now heres what I find weird, JWs live on my street, and yet my street is NEVER canvassed !
    Not without good reason has it been observed that in the natural world, most animals do not shit where they eat. Let the reader use discernment.

  • kid-A

    most animals do not shit where they eat

    Certainly a possibility Nate. I was hoping that they were sensing "the dark side of the force" emanating from my house which in turn was repelling them from my door......LOL

  • kwintestal

    If I was free on a Thursday night, I'd go with you to the bookstudy. It could be fun! It'd have to be a pre-selected study though, one that discusses something like 607, or blood, or protecting the congregation.


  • kid-A

    If I was free on a Thursday night, I'd go with you to the bookstudy

    haha, its a date, Kwin, though I think we should dress as Hare Krishnas just to throw them for a loop !!

  • blondie

    JW book study groups in private homes can and have driven their neighbors to distraction.

    1) Parking issues; 10 to 15 cars taking up all the parking one night a week, every week. sometimes blocking all the parking near people's homes so they have to park and walk from far away.

    2) Noise issues, standing outside and talking loudly in neighborhoods with small children put to bed around 8 or 8:30.

    3) Meetings for field service (see #1)

    Nathan, it is true, book study groups rarely work the territory the home is in, leaving it to others in the congregation...very similar to school age children not wanting to call on their school mates.


  • inbyathread

    I think it is Business Card time. While they are in their bookstudy. Place one of these on each of the cars.


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