Your "New" Traditions?

by whyamihere 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    Hi White Waves, welcome!

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I have difficulty still with holidays and birthdays other than my childrens. It just plain awkward for me. I always forget my parents anniversary and never remember my brothers or sisters birthdays either.

    My wife love Christmas and that's an extremely difficult holidy for me to enjoy. One tradition that I started five or six years ago was to fast on the winter solstice. That is my official observance of the holiday.

  • looking_glass

    When I started my current job (about 10/11 years ago), I never told anyone I was raised as JW and never celebrated a birthday in my life. Well a year passed and my friends at work started to realize that no birthday drinks or festivites had been celebrated in my name so they inquired what the deallo was. I informed a few. Well the following year around my birthday, a group took me out for drinks. One of the attys I work with worked his way thru school as a bartender and he and some of his buddies came up with a drink. So he wrote the receipe on a cloth napkin. Every year around my birthday, I pull out the cloth napkin and we march out to a bar and have this special drink. This year is the 9th anniversary of my day of ME.

  • Michelle40

    I was disfellowshiped when my children were 13 & 14 years old; they had never celebrated holidays or birthdays. Now, every year at Christmastime, I give them gifts signed "from Santa". We all get a big kick out of it. I now vote in every election.

  • skeeter1

    Current "sins":

    I play the lottery

    I sing Happy Birthday

    I have a Christmas Tree

    I attend other religion's ceremonies...(Waiting for a Hacidic Jew & Muslim invite, though)..

    I sing the National Anthem at sporting events

    Upcoming "sins"

    I will donate blood for the first time in a few weeks

    Not much interested in "sins"

    Illegal drugs or smoking

    Multiple sexual partners

    Permanent tattoos

    Beards (They look good on the right man, but just not for me.)

  • whyamihere

    Congrats to all you fellow pagan worshiping apostates!

    I love Birthday's(mainly mine although I am hitting the big 26 this July) and I intend to celebrate them to the fullest.

    I was think with all these damn holiday's its hard to keep up. Kids you ain't getting no 4th of July cause Mama needs a break!


  • LaCatolica


    What we non-JWs do is pick and choose...don't celebrate them all, but just the big ones...BIRTHDAYS, HALLOWEEN, AND THE BIGGEST OF ALL, CHRISTMAS!

  • lovelylil

    I mailed Christmas Cards out to all my family I had lost touch with along with a family letter telling them what I am up to now. Family I had not seen in years sent letters back, pics of their new babies and I got invited to my first ever family reunion this July. It was really great!

  • love2Bworldly

    I decorate my office area with every holiday possible, it gives people a lift to see decorations and candy etc.

    I vote, pledge allegiance when asked, play Lotto, gamble at casinos sometimes, cuss, do whatever I want in the bedroom , hang flags outside my house, hang windchimes, celebrate other nation's holidays with friends--recent one was celebration of spring by an Iranian group of people at work, do whatever I want whenever I want!

    LOVE Christmas, Valentines, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, birthdays, anything I can celebrate!

  • EAGLE-1

    We do all the holidays.My mother in law made me an easter basket right after I married her daughter.Felt good even though I was a little too old for one.I am a born again pagan and an unorthodox druid.(whatever that means)

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