Watchtower comments that were extremely lame!!!!!

by free2beme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • apfergus

    The Watchtower publications were always so full of contradictory or just plain garbled rhetoric that it's really no wonder the people who live by them can't form any clear independent thoughts on any of them. I'm personally ashamed that I ever believed, much less spoke out loud, some of the blatant logical fallacies that came up time and time again in the Watchtower.

  • anewme

    This too is a huge pet peeve of mine! I remember back in the early 70s the comments were "I say" this or "I remember when Br. Rutherford got up one morning and declared that.." or "out in service the other day a lady came right up to me and said..." The comments were personal stories and full of character!

    People spoke out at the Watchtower lesson from their own hearts!!!!! It was wonderful then! I really looked forward to the Watchtower Study in those days. Younger ones just may not be able to envision it, but there was a time when the meetings were more exciting and real and human, full of laughter and bold comments!

    It was 1973,74, 75!!!! There was excitement and anticipation and enthusiasm! Even the teenagers were engaged with the meetings because everyone was buzzing with the thought that Harmaggeddon might happen any moment!
    The Theocractic Meeting parts were animated and creative-----real dramatic productions with costumes and props!!! We were all of us conducting as many Bible Studies as we could handle. And the studies were progressing and coming. The hall was filled on Sundays and overfilled and overflowing on Memorial night.

    It was a great time to come into the org! (Only wish I had left it before 1980) Now its truly a "borg"

  • slacker911

    Any song that includes the phrase, "like bees that were molested"....

  • Dune

    "You may have went to college, you may have gone to school, but if you dont have Jehovah, you're an educated fool"

  • FreeFromWTBS

    My first complaint about the WTBS was the pick the answer out of the paragraph meeting form. The few times people made comments from their brain they were awful

    1)One women shouted that all the gays should have to apologize

    2)Another man started swearing in his answer about the government

    3)Another said that helping someone in need was like pushing the ocean with a broom

    4)Another women was talking about a householder she studied with that accepted and believed all the literature but was afraid to leave her house. The women studying with her said too bad that is just not enough.

    I could go on and on. I was shocked at the comments JW's would made.

  • free2beme

    I also loved those comments out of no where, where people said things that we not only not in the paragraph, they were not even in the Jehovah's Witness religion.

  • luna2

    It was always great to watch toddlers get indoctrinated by calling on them to repeat the word "Jehovah" as an answer over and over. Sometimes they were so young they couldn't even pronounce the word but, by golly, wasn't marvalous to see those babies begin their brainwashing.

  • free2beme

    I was thinking of those kids comment too and how it was something those kids would think was such a big deal and how people would use it as a way of encouraging them to do more. I know we all thought it was so cute, but like ou said, it was just another step in the road to brainwashing and when you see it that way, it seems sad.

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