Richie, The Hero of Thousands the champion for Millions.

by vomit 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    tsk tsk tsk vomit!! we dont encourage underage drinking!! he's too young for likker! lol

    hugs richie!! i wanna see your SuperHero outfit !! (not a suit and a tie.. i think your required to wear tights and a cape)

  • jeeprube

    How about Richie's ability to smuggle (notice I didn't say steal) out an elders book with revealing notes about child molestation, and the Societies view on how to handle it?

    That act alone was monumental! I've got the scans saved on my hard drive and a memory stick; I'm sure many other's do as well. We're in a battle here with one of the biggest cults in history, and Richie struck them a blow that might prove very harmful.

    Good luck Richie!

  • Sparkplug

    How about Richie's ability to smuggle (notice I didn't say steal) out an elders book with revealing notes about child molestation, and the Societies view on how to handle it?

    That act alone was monumental! I've got the scans saved on my hard drive and a memory stick; I'm sure many other's do as well. We're in a battle here with one of the biggest cults in history, and Richie struck them a blow that might prove very harmful.

    Good luck Richie!

    I want to read them, are they still in a thread? I have been so busy that I have not read it all. I really would like to read that in particular. Thank you for your efforts and outright courage Richie!


  • Hellrider
    this is going to turn me into an alcoholic....
    I quit just so i could stay alert to fight,the dub prophets said i would be a homeless drunk living under a bridge,another wts false prophecy.

    Loool. I love your attitude, DH! That`s hardcore.

  • inquirer

    Richie is a fucking hero man!

  • inquirer

    Go fucking Richie! Your the fucking greatest! (Now I am swearing my ass off like Ozzy Osbourne!) I read all the threads...

    God bless you Rich! Let's make the world a safer place for everyone! Man, woman and child! You're a brave man, a great detective! YOU WERE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. God bless you.

  • RichieRich

    i'd like to try some of that habu saki.... the stuff with the snake in it... Heard about it froma marine who went to japan- said that stuff was fierce.

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