dedication of Nigeria assembly hall

by loosie 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • loosie

    I have some pics of that were emailed to me about the dedication of the new assembly hall in Nigeria. I don't have anywhere to host the pics.

    Can someone PM me, that can host the pics, and I can forward the email to you?

    It actually quite astonishing how different the assembly halls are built.

  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry can't help with the hosting; just curious as to whether the Nigerians get furniture?

  • noni1974

    I hope I won't get into trouble for telling you this.But try they have free hosting.Just upload from your computer to the site.I'm not sure how you would post it on this site but someone eles should know how to.

  • vomit

    Let me guess it was built 30Km from the nearest water source. Is 50km from any road. And brothers are councled for working on meeting nights to provide enough food for a conventions "light lunch", spiritual food is infinatly more important than physical.

  • loosie

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