Here We Go Again: The Annual ``Behave! at Conventions" Harangue

by Room 215 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I saw a woman slip on high heels and twist her ankle at one assembly. Another fell down six steps as she ran towards a prime seating area. I saw an old sister pushed aside as the front doors opened at 8 am. They probably figured that she had the "elderly" seating anyway.

    Nowadays it isn't as bad since attendance is down but there are those seats that still are "prime."


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover
    It's even worse as "internal security", but I won't even go there.


    Oh, c'mon, you can go there. Seriously - what's internal security?

  • daniel-p

    "Im sure that you weren't' that way Daniel but remember it was a VOLUNTEER situation you didn't have to do it!"

    Hah. Volunteer, eh? Not when your the only MS in the congregation and youre picked every god damn assembly and convention to do stuff like that. Attending was mandatory for me - tuning it down would have been tantamount to declining to be used as an MS.

    Internal security (also called internal watchman) is level II attendant, basically. You get 2 red dots on your lapel badge and you get to carry a walkie-talkie, and do rounds, looking for suspicious characters. If you see someone that looks "suspicious" (i.e. street clothes) then you follow them around until you figure out who they are with and what they're up to. 80% of the time they are unbelieving mates, bible studies, etc. We had our conventions in urban areas so we would always get drug cases and mentals in off the streets who would occasionaly want to make trouble. In those situations, you let HQ know over the radio, get a couple more guys, and just walk around with the person until they eventually leave. In recent years, they always say never to touch the person unless attacked directly. Which is really stupid because although it lessens risk of lawsuits, it makes it easy for someone to disrupt the convention.
    The internal security is a joke, believe me. But at least i wasn't one of the bafoons holding up the stupid signs. But sometimes I would have rather just cleaned a bathroom, seriously.

  • TMS

    One year the brothers booked the Radisson Memphis just down the road from the famous Peabody.

    Honestly, the hotel was far too upscale for the Arkansas circuits. I nearly died seeing many JW's dragging trash bags in lieu of luggage.

    The valet parking was another unfamiliar aspect. One sister was crying at the front desk. She had given the attendant $5.00 on the first day of the assembly and thought it was for the entire three days. She was shrieking something to the desk clerk about the Society not telling her about the valet parking.

    Another embarrassment: Because of convention duties, I rode with a young elder to the hotel. Our wives were coming up later. The young brother wanted to eat. I had no money with me. He said he would simply put it on his card. We ordered two $9.00 hamburgers. His card came back denied. He had used his card to hold the room. They locked in his entire balance until checkout.

    The Radisson Memphis was not on the list the following year.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Roomie,

    Nice post.

    This got me reminiscing:

    now Jehovah wants us to limit use of colognes and perfumes at these spiritual feasts.

    This is nothing new at Bethel - I got 'asked' to cease my use of EDT in Bethel. Not good for the inmates.

    seems it ain't good for the R&F now, eh?

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