Man vs. Woman - Control Panel

by jeanniebeanz 2 Replies latest social humour

  • jeanniebeanz

    lol... so true. You poor guys don't have a chance at understanding us womenz...

  • Balsam

    I have two sons 22 and 18. My poor sons are so baffled by how girls act and behave. They say "Mom you are so easy to understand and get along with and all the girl they meet are so hard to get along with"? Well I don't know what to tell them. The girls they have introduced me too seem extremely high maintence compared to me or other women that are more balanced. I've told my boys it is they type of girls they are attracted to that is the problem. They like those hot, screamy, jealous, sexy girls. I told them if they changed their perspective they would be attracted to calmer more well balanced females. I feel for them, but they can find women who are beautiful, smart and sex and don't have all those control buttons which drive them crazy. But men can sometimes be difficult too depending on their expectations.

    My husband says I'm the easiest women he has ever been around to live with, that makes me feel good. He is equally pleasant to live with, his behavior doesn't irritate me or drive me crazy like my ex-husband. My ex-husband was pretty up there being hard to deal with. He thought I was too laid back and wanted a woman who was harder to deal with. I love my life now with my present husband he is wonderful.

  • looking_glass

    Yeah, but you have to admit, sometimes guys are hard to figure out as well. They act like they are an open book, but I can assure you that more of the guys in my office are moody then the women.

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