Judicial Committee on tape ... one of my favorites

by ithinkisee 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    This is a judicial meeting recording from the mid-80's, where Rick and Laverne Townsend were brought up on charges of apostasy. Listen to the calm manner in which they refute the elders (especially 607 and 1914) and how the elders get evasive and dodge questions and pretty much bring up nothing biblical.



  • jambon1

    I have just listened to half and its brilliant. Those men never were able to deny the 1975 issue effectively. It made me realise how good the internet has been in getting the truth out - references, photos, illustrations etc.


    Thanks for posting the link. At the end he mentioned that he was an Elder for 11 years. I think that is also the reason why the elders on the JC where very easy on him. If you compare this tape to the one of SickOfLies where the debate was more heated. He also mentioned the Mexico Malawi thing and that his source was Raymond Franz but the Elders didn't get al excited about apostate sources etc. like they did with SickOfLies.

  • ithinkisee

    I like the end where they ask if he can step outside while they make a decision and he says, "I'll make it easy for you" and pulls out his DA letter and reads his bulleted reasons for DA'ing out loud to the judicial committee.


    I also like when the elder with the thick accent tries to weasel out of "these 70 years", and Rick says, "I'm not reading anything into it - I believe the scripture means what it says."



  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear ithinkisee,

    Think you to you and your wife for posting this tape!!! We only got thru half of it and then had to go to work. However, when we come home, we ar going to finish it. I have directed 3 other families to listen to it as well. It amazes me that no matter how you go about it, the outcome is the same! This couple was so calm and knowledgable. I know I will not be able to hold it together as gracefully as they did. Anyhow, it has really helped us see what we will be faced with in a couple of weeks. And will help us see how to proceed to have the biggest bang on the way out! I will be scanning the Grayson book data today and posting it tonight for all who want it. again..thank you for this tape!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Carmel

    Hey, an hour and a half well spent! Better than Bill Orielly!


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear thinkisee,

    Well we just finished listening to the tape! O my goodness!! EVERYONE should listen to this!! I don't know if you know where these folks are now, but if you keep in touch, PLEASE thank them for us!! We really were benifited by this! And thank you for posting it as well!!


    Lady Libeerty

  • valkyrie

    In listening to that recording of the JC, I was struck by the abysmal lack of respect accorded to Laverne Townsend as a subject of/participant in the proceedings. Almost her every attempt to respond to a question or to address an issue raised was talked over roughshod or interrupted by the elders. As a further demonstration of how unimportant they considered her presence (as though she were merely an unnecessary appendage of her husband... the only real subject of their enquiry), they continued to conduct those super-important proceedings (her disfellowshipping meeting) in her absence... when she left to go to the toilet [to change the tape in her recording device]. I suppose it can be summarised thus: AS IN, SO OUT. How do self-respecting women continue to bear up under the blatant snubs of Watchtower Society hierarchy? Is it possible for their self-esteem to thrive under such abasing conditions?


  • Legolas

    Thanks for the link.

  • ithinkisee

    Lady LIberty said:

    "I don't know if you know where these folks are now, but if you keep in touch, PLEASE thank them for us!!"

    I wish I could find them. I have tried to no avail. This was from the 80's too - way before the Internet. Talk about big brass ones ....

    If anyone knows of these people could you let us know? I would like to thank them personally.

    They (and Dr. Walter Martin's MP3's) were the ones that gave me the confidence to say, "You know what? Maybe I CAN make a stand! Maybe I CAN keep my family!"


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