Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-9-06 WT Study (Recreation)

by blondie 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scrubmaster

    acceptable for a Christian...elders help as needed

    Yes. can you image the Apostle going to Jesus and asking what type of recreation is exceptable for them. I am sure since Jehovah gave us free will he would expects us as his servants to choose what is exceptable as individuals. The funny thing is people still do not get the picture people can do what the are told out of fear of reprecussion from men -- but does this truly mean they love Jehovah and Jesus Christ. This is why I did not stay for the Watchtower this paste Sunday. The bible does not tell us to go ask elders what is appropiate recreation..if God does not give specifices why should elders?

    Jesus...always used such occasions to impart spiritual blessings

    When Jesus turn the water into wine now were in the bible does it say he imparted at spiritual blessing as a matter of fact the comments were made at how the host put out the superior wine..which usually meant the host would put out inferior wine after the good wine was all gone. Jesus did this to display his God given power no were does it say it was for a blessing. Then too when he was going to take the Apostle a way for a rest, since they have been preaching so much, no were in the scriptures is the impression given that he was going to do more teaching at that time. As Blonde stated the scriptures state not all of what Jesus did could be written down as it would fill many voulmes.

    At a time that does not interefere with spiritual activities

    Wow are we babies now -- I am an adult and if I do not have the sense to proritize, then I would not have a job. So if the meetings and spiritual activites are important to me, duh I do not need to be told this, if they are not, then no matter what is said in this matter, I would still schedule things during whenever I wanted to. I can not see Jesus treating the Apostle as such babies. The whole thing that interest me is in one breath it is said Jehovah gave us free will -- but it appears that we should have the societies will -- If Jehovah gave us free will - then as free moral agents we should be able to decide things for ourselves with out specifics being given. Isn't this why Jesus condemn the religious for adding to the law?
  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Yet I heard from the platform such movies as ET, Star Wars, Scream, vilified and then known that the same elder screened these movies privately in their home.

    There is so much I want to comment on about this article, but no time right now. I did want to comment on the above quote though. I remember a few years ago when the new Star Wars came out there was alot of hype and long lineups to get in to see the first screening. On the front page of our local paper there were two brothers in a full colour photograph that were dressed up as characters in the movie, complete with light sabers. One of the brothers was an MS. There were quite a few people in the cong that were upset with this - but were told to "get over it" when mentioned to the elders.

    BB (How the heck to I get rid of the red font colour????)

  • jojochan
    A dance that involves immodest behavior,

    emphasizing erotic movements of the hips and breasts, would obviously not be

    proper for a Christian.-1 Timothy 2:8-10.

    Music, dancing...consistent with Christian principles...spirit of rebellion...immorality, and violence

    This was the discussion that me and my cousin had got into. She could not believe that they would state that in plain black and white. Then she felt bad for going out to the club thet previous night shaking her ass with the other "brothers" I had to tell her, "As long as you are a witness THIS IS YOUR LIFE, get it through your thick skull."

    "you mean, I can't at least dance? I got big hips and breasts so i guess that means I'm out."

    I said..."Yep."

    That article pissed me off. First of all that x'ed out hip-hop, and r&b totally.Then Salsa, merenge, ect.

    Give me a fu$ki'n break.

    I don't miss that at all.Feel me?


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