World First ~ Judicial Commitee Recorded by our own sickoflies

by unclebruce 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    SickOfLies has managed to record his disfellowshiping. As far as I know this has never been accomplished before - in any case it is a very rare event. A recording of what goes on when one is called in before a dreaded Judicial Committee.

    JWD / sickoflies link - Here

    The recordings:

  • SickofLies

    Here is the conclusion where I am DF'ed:

    Notice how they give the reason for my downfall because of my 'higher education destroying my soul!'

  • Legolas

    I can't wait to hear this tomorrow...I can't let it sink in right now...LOL!

  • unclebruce

    So how's it feel to have no soul? Are they calling you a zombie?

  • SickofLies

    LOL. I guess it means I'm dead?? Either that or I was having an out of body experience.

  • candidlynuts

    so your soul is seperate from your body?

    hmmm i'd ask more questions! (havent got to that part yet)

  • unclebruce

    LOL - yeah well, you do sound a bit high bro lol .. thank gawd for the apostate brotherhood eh .. well done man - we're proud of ya!

  • Farkel


    PM me and I will give you my # again, or give me yours, and I will call you. We simply cannot lose touch with each other! How is University going, my friend? Have you passed "Walloby 101" and "Gallah Blasting and Gutting 102", yet? How about "Outback 101 for Morons?" Have you taken that one yet? "Introducing Sydney to the stupid Americans" and "Introducing Adelaide for the REALLY stupid Americans?" These are part of your core classes, are they not? I'm sure that you are also taking quantum mechanics, but I'm more interested in the humanistic stuff! :)

    It is wonderful to see (ahem) you again, dear unc.

    Farkel, of the heretic class who is about to check out unc's thread link of yet another sicko JC.....

  • notperfectyet


    You have just made a major crime. Hijacking a thread for your own amusment.

    p.s. tell UB hi for me.

  • unclebruce

    Hey Farkel say hi to me from notperfectyet ok?

    unc who believes the only internet crime is failure to post


    Sickoflies, when you get time I'd love to know what type of recording device you used and whether you think there are ways it could be improved on (I haven't an mp3 or ipod yet).

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