Double Standards - Where is the line drawn?

by msil 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    I was happy when the Yadrif was given the boot - we never needed the spread of hatred and name calling. It seemed as though everyone felt the same way.

    I find it hypocritical that as long as you are "influential in the xJW community" or if you run a big anti-JW website you can call anyone names and you can post any obscene drivel as long as it is a song which you dedicate other posters.

    I find it ironic that a "well-respected" poster (and I could give a damn what his past actions or brave deeds are, or what fancy essays he wrote) would call me a biggot in chat for asking simple questions but then he would defend the stuff Kent wrote in reference to AGuest. I don't give a damn if it was written by Frank Zappa or some other crack-smokin' loser - the fact that they are song lyrics is irrelevant.

    It seems hypocritical of Simon to let this shit go on so long. As long as the posters site is linked at the bottom of this page he then has carte-blanche permission to call anyone names or write hateful things about others. I and many others would expect fair treatment and have Kent banished or suspended just as Yadrif was. Where is the line, Simon? What is the difference?

    Simon - if you choose to you can delete my ID for speaking out against the "super-fine apostles" - I don't really care since the site is not proving valuable to anyone any longer.

  • teejay


  • Prisca

    I agree.

    Enough is enough.

    Personal insults are not a show of intelligence, rather, a show of immaturity. No matter who a person is, personal insults demoralise the one it's directed to, and those who read it.

    Whatever happened to self control?

    Whatever happened to common curtesy?

    Whatever happened to Simon and his calls for being civil on this board? Can they be ignored by those who are "super-fine" apostates?

    Discouraged minds want to know.....

  • crossroads

    "I second that emotion"

  • blondie

    I'm new and no priss when it comes to hearing or reading swear words...

    I do feel sometimes like I am walking through a field with cows in it. Gotta watch out for the cow pies...and the bull in the back forty..might accidently rile him.

    I do value the posts of even those with the cowpies in them...

    Name-calling really brings down the post of the poster resorting to it. It's like trying to find the diamonds in the cowpies.

    Some of the ones making these comments seem to have been out of the WTS for some time...but the anger seems to linger on...I can understand...but

    I enjoy good music...but I don't like the sour notes

    I think most of the posters here can do a great job expressing themselves without the name-calling, swear words.

    Now, please don't fling any cowpies my way for this.

    (PS I haven't make an official check...but are most of the name callers and swearers male? Is it a cultural thing?)

  • DannyBear


    The silence is deafening isn't it?

    Kent's childish and boorish conduct is in fact applauded by many poster's here. Why? Beats me.

    His keeps the board in a constant state of up and down. Makes some good comments, then turns the place into 'Dante's Inferno'....without missing a beat. He truly believes that he is above reproach, and that anyone that takes offense to his vulgarity, is simple and an idiot.


  • SixofNine

    I know if I was Simon, I would give him a good bitch slapping for this one.

  • DannyBear


    Don't know weather to laugh or not. If you are big of a bitch slap, are we talking about here?

    Arnold Shwartzee on Danny DeVito?
    Ethel on Lucy?

    No need for the big DF (banning), just a few of his groupies need to kick some butt. That will turn him around faster than any hard hitting slap.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I think Simom is a smart man, and I think he doing a great job.

    Maybe you oughta join Wol.

    Maybe that might be more to your liking.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • larc

    Hi Danny Bear,

    I miss the good old days when we could share stories about what it was like growing up and what our family did, and what they went through.

    Now, in just a few months, we are faced with a whole different, in your face attitude. Like you, I don't care for it.

    Since we all came from the same place, I don't see any need or advantage for us to tear at each other.

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