If you still pray, what do you get out of it?

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Loves Harley's and fast cars!

    JH I don't pray but rather pour out my heart in journaling. I get answers from my own demi god of "do for yourself or stay on your pity pot."

  • greendawn

    I don't pray not because I don't believe in the power of prayer but because the Spirit knows well what we need even if we don't express it.

  • Undecided

    I never have found out how to get a mustard seed size faith, boy if I could I could move mountains. Remember it won't happen if you don't get that mustard seed, but if you do, you can walk on water. Anybody ever moved a mountain????

    Ken P.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I pray from time to time. There was a long time I didn't pray at all, I just couldn't bring myself to. I have experienced answers to my prayers, but the warning is true, be careful what you ask for.

    On a lighter note - I pray every time I "RRROLL UP THE RIM". No answers to that prayer yet!


  • NoMoreMeetings

    If you don't think God answers prayer, read the biography of George Muller.

  • JH

    I'm a believer, but I believe that God may listen to prayers, but doesn't answer them. Why should he? He promisses a new system where everything will be different and perfect.

    Why would he help the rich get richer, or the capable be more capable, but the poor and the sick remain where they are?

    With CNN covering the whole planet, if there was a miracle someplace it would be known, and fast.

    I say thank you to God when I pray, but I don't ask anthing anymore. Like that I'm not deceived.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I say thank you to God when I pray

    Well then, you're about halfway there. Next, If you ask for something, be positive and expectant (but make sure what you ask for is for the greater good). my 2 cents.

  • Carmel

    "Of course, prayer plays an important part in the life of man, but prayer without action has little or no effect at all. The two must go hand-in-hand. By adhering to the means for achieving a goal, and by drawing on the power of God through prayer, one's efforts will become crowned with success. The sick person should follow the advice of a skilled physician by taking the remedy, and at the same time praying for healing."

    (Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 3, p. 357)

  • misspeaches

    JH most of my prayers are about asking for calmness or peace of mind or the ability to deal with a situation. I've found that so much more effective than asking for something to be fixed or given to me. When I'm in this peacable frame of mind after praying I can usually think so much straighter and get the outcome I am after.

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