? on df-ing and reinstatement

by crazyblondeb 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    Sorry if this as been discussed, but I'm too lazy to try and google it. I have no patience today!!

    If they are no longer df-ing and daing, just announcing that "_____ is no longer a JW", how can they "reinstate" someone? How can they justify shunning? OK, that was a way too stupid question, about the shunning. What am I thinking? *having a blonde moment*


  • blondie

    It's just legal semantics.

    They used to announce what a person was DF'd for and they stopped that.

    They used to announce that a person was on "restrictions" and as of November 2005 that don't do that any more.

    Now they don't mention the words DA or DF but the audience knows that is what if means.

    But I do wonder what they say if someone is publicly reproved. Is that what you mean?

  • crazyblondeb

    Yes, and also if they now have to make an announcement if someone comes back. Curious minds just want to know...

    Since I'm staying with my JW mother that is trying to make me crazy, I'm just trying to stay one step ahead!


  • mustang

    It's all NEW BLIGHT, er LIGHT


  • garybuss

    It's in the same spirit as the literature is all FREE and God himself is editor of the literature.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Blondie said...

    "They used to announce that a person was on "restrictions" and as of November 2005 that don't do that any more"

    was there a Watchtower on this? I never knew this.

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