Rookie on the Field

by peacepipe 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • peacepipe

    I've been reading this forum page for about a year. At first I thought it was a meeting place for practicing JW's but after reading many posts found that most people here have been hurt or don't see things eye to eye with the WT org. I am NOT a JW but I HAVE been associating with them for about 3 yrs.
    I have many times wanted to post but I have not been hurt by the org. and wasn't really sure what to talk about. As a matter of fact I have found alot of peace within myself since I began a study with someone whom I now feel is a very dear friend. I was hoping to find a place where I could discuss things with others with like interests but I'm not sure this is the place after reading many posts that are filled with sarcasms & dirty language-though I am not a prude & I do swear ,I would just think people who may of grown up with so many biblical principles bestowed upon them would be a little more respectful to one another whether or not this is a place to vent frustration. Nonetheless, I have also read many interesting points of view from seemingly interesting people.
    I am 33 y.o so I'm not naive in age or an 'ol fuddy dud. I feel a am very open minded and imaginative but yet I ,like many ,am searching for answers to my most deep rooted questions. I would like to possibly hear from some others who aren't necessarily disgruntled with the WT org. and can maybe see some of the benefits that I have seen in this group of people but still have some issues. One question I found most interesting that I read on one of the posts was: (in my own words): would a loving God who, throughout His book ,both speaks of Himself & His Son (2 people) but sometimes it sounds like 2 people & sometimes it sounds like 1 person -condemn a person(s) who makes God the creator their number one priority in life thanks to the opportunity He provided with the blood of His son Jesus. Because I don't think so. I think God would of wanted His book to be understandable to the everyday Joe which is why I think Jesus always spoke in parables--to make the everyday, average, uneducated, ALL people understand his message.
    This is much longer than I intended, I am not looking for conflict just some new ideas & opinions & to post & "get over it" already.

  • Satanus

    Beware of trying to apply wt standards to this group. Wt likes to say that apostates have no unity, are not happy, are bitter etc. These are standards created by the wt by which they have chosen to measure themselves and their members. Trying to get people like yourself to measure others who are not jws, especially 'apostates', by these wt created standards is totally rediculous. I'm not saying you are doing this, but i have seen it tried.

    Many xjws are happy, some aren't. If you like uinity, you should join the wt, or another cult. If you like unity with some fun mixed in, join the mormonms. If you like unity with some spiritualty, join the mooneys. On this board people are attempting work through their cultic overlays, find and be themselves. Basically, each one could develop their own individual 'religion', if he\she so chooses. Don't worry, god will not be mad.


  • more2C

    Welcome peacepipe,

    I had been "lurking" for a while too, until I summoned the courage to register. You will definately find various opinions on all types of topics here.

    I am glad that you are open-minded because I feel one needs to be objective to have a balanced view on life.

    The quote be careful not to stumble your brothers (and sisters, too) is a good reminder for all that participate on this forum.


  • Fredhall

    Don't listen to Satan peacepipe. He is the father of lie.

  • Amazing

    Welcome Peacepipe: Myself and many others have posted on this issue as well. I should save a standard 'party-line' post for all newcomers. But it goes something like this:

    We have many ex-JWs, and some JWs with various leanings, from many different nations, ages, backgrounds, experiences, education, culture, and maturity. Some have been terribly hurt by the WTS and some not.

    When posting, ignore those that offend you, and respond to those that are tolerable and interesting to you. Cut some slack to people, and try to see the humor before assuming they meant to offend. At the same time, don't surrender your own views and conscience just to accomodate everyone.

    What you see in this forum are many good people in various stages of learning, healing, helping, growing, sorting matters out, and changing. Such forums as this are a god-send, and if used wisely can benefit every participant.

    Thanks again. I very much enjoyed your post. - Amazing

  • proplog2

    In spite of all their imperfections, misjudgments, arrogance, negligence JW's have achieved the next step for mankind. They have followed Jesus' example by remaining separate from this worlds selfish nationalism. As a JW you can parachute blind-folded just about anywhere in the world where there is a congregation and find people who will accept you as a brother.

    This unity has been achieved with some of the poorest, most ignorant people on the face of the earth. This fact condemns the mighty, rich, intellectuals who hold conferences on world unity at luxury retreats and come up empty handed.

    This brotherhood is what will save you when the inevitable time of trouble referred to as the Great Tribulation hits. I'm going to take a break from this board until sometime in October when I can make my usual dire predictions for the future.

  • SixofNine

    Hi Peacepipe. Welcome to the board. I can only say that you will find answers to many deep questions from the witnesses. I was raised one, and stayed entrenched in it for 37 years. The answers made a whole lot of sense to me when I was 10, and again at 20, although by then I was just not asking the questions anymore, which is sad, but I do have the excuse that I had them all answered at 10, and besides, it is wrong to question gods "channel". At 37, I realize that there are far more questions, far more important questions, and the few that the witnesses answer, they answer from a position of closemindedness. Witnesses do not seek out other perspectives, they do not allow criticism of their points of view, and all their arguments start from already formed conclusions. A weak & sad way to live.

    One other thing about the board, amazing said to you:

    When posting, ignore those that offend you,

    With all due respect to Amazing, I'd really recommend ignoring that particular piece of advice, at least if you are looking for truth.

  • think41self

    Hi Peacepipe

    I just wanted to add my welcome to the others. I am glad you finally started posting. It is fun lurking for a while, but I think you feel empowered when you begin posting and speaking up for yourself!

    Hope you meet some new friends here, like many of us have.


    "It is much more sensible to be an optimist instead of a pessimist, for if one is doomed to disappointment, why experience it in advance?"
    Amelia Peabody Emerson

  • peacepipe

    thanks to those of you who voiced your input to my post. i'm kind of getting addicted to this site. I find it very interesting to read. it kept me from going to the sunday meeting today(which i'm actually feeling guilty about). i need some time to think (i'm nearing the end of "knowledge that leads. . . book). that means baptism is lurking in my near future. . well i think--it hasn't really come up very loving and great husband who is a devout catholic (our kids go to a catholic school as well) said i better rethink that decision. I'm really confused. Maybe this site will help. Thanks again.{;)}

  • Gopher


    Welcome! I've been addicted, er, enjoying this board for 5 months now myself. I'd been a JW all my life up until last year, age 39. The main reason I'm not going back: they TALK love, but do not really practice it. That may sound shocking, because to new people like yourself they practice "love bombing", until either you're a full-fledged member or they've decided to give up on you! JW's will teach you to hate anyone who's different, after all they're about to go down to destruction in some violent Armageddon. The shunning of those who are disfellowshipped due to spiritual weakness or having doubts goes against human nature (which wants to extend love), and goes against all that the Bible says about love, and about trying to restore those with problems.

    So enjoy the board, learn. And also, invite your husband to read the board! He may find it enlightening or amusing. He will be affected by whatever you do, of course, and it seems he's been very tolerant of your spiritual search. You're very fortunate! Listen to him, he is being gentle when saying "please rethink this". Many other men would be very angry! Best wishes to you, please keep posting.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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