conspiracy theories

by Ellie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    The rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go X-files style

    The winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize I know).

    I'll start...

    Blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with ADHD, brought on by Nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world

  • stillajwexelder

    Man did not land on the moon

  • LittleToe

    Russell was a Freemason

  • stillajwexelder

    Little Toe likes a wee dram now and again. Ozziepost likes a good SE Australian Red Wine.

  • Ellie

    I can hear the guns fireing

  • Rig Boy
    Rig Boy

    talk about a thread that is a waste of bandwidth.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Here's one for ya:

    A few turbin wearing, camel riding, Muslim extremists dwelling in CAVES caused 9/11. Some of their accomplices used boxcutters to hijack the planes. The FBI find one of the hijackers passports unscathed outside the WTC after the collapse. The most powerful military in the history of the world cant locate their mastermind, still hiding in a CAVE and it's been almost 5 years.

    Nah...forget it, it sounds too ridiculous, I gotta come up with something more believable...

  • Rig Boy
    Rig Boy

    Box Cutting Bandits Hijacked My Plane....I Swear!

    Ari Fleischer Box Cutter King Plastic Knives and Box Cutter Playpen

    Edited by BinkyClowner on 10/14/05 05:30 PM.

    thanks goes out to binky for this hillarious article

  • truth_about_the_truth

    The pink one in the assorted color pack is especially terrifying! Now I understand why they don't allow those things on the planes.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    You may call me paranoid but:

    I think the person that started this thread on this board - How Gay are you? did it for the purpose of finding out who was behind the design of that particular boxcutter so we can identify who supplied the weapons to these terrorists.

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