My paranoid conspiracy theory....

by ballistic 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    There was a boom in cults starting up at the start of the last century. Do you think Russel, with his Masonic and Zionist influences constructed a purely money-making "pyramid" style religion?
    It is interesting how the pyramid even influenced his early teachings.
    I see a parallel between him and what's his name that started Dianetics, Ron Hubbard.
    Interesting how some witnesses became involved in their own pyramid schemes, also.
    I wonder if Russel ever left the truth about this, perhaps, "sealed up unto the last days" in an envelope entitled "new light", not to be opened until some later date?
    And what if the Governing Body opened it?

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

  • JanH


    What have you been smoking?

    Where can I get some of that?

    - Jan
    "People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
    them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury

  • Tatiana

    Ballistic, it's an interesting theory. Maybe it was buried in that pyramid monument near his headstone!

    Seriously? I see the parallels. My grandfather was a Freemason and used to tell me that's where the jw religion came from. He used to drive my grandmother and mom (both jws) crazy with his insistence they were related. Stranger things....oh well, you know.


  • Bridgette

    I think your supposition is most noteworthy.
    BTW, speaking of cults, do you realize that you inspired your very own worshiper on another thread?
    It's true! All Hail Ballistic and his pyramids!! Can't remember who it was--Was it April? something about you being a little devil...
    B. :)

  • Tatiana

    Yes, it was me, April. Guilty as charged!
    I know Ballistic from another galaxy. Such a sweet little devil!


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