Jehovah's Witness boy murdered

by Kenneson 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Eleven year old Clay Ether was fatally stabbed Feb. 15 inside his Chicago apartment building, allegedly by a man with whom he had quarreled in a neighbor's apartment. At his funeral some wondered why no charges had yet been filed.

    See "That child should still be alive'

  • TooOpinionated

    So sad.

    I noticed the funeral was described as "very austere". So true.

  • FreedomFrog

    Ok, I don't understand this version, it reads

    "I don't get it. They found the guy hiding upstairs on the third floor. Why haven't they charged anyone?" family friend Michelle Donoghue said through tears. "Would they take this long if it weren't on the West Side?"

    So, who is the "guy" that was hiding upstairs???? hmmmm.

    I can't even imagine if this was my child. I feel so bad for those parents.

  • FreedomFrog

    Ok, I'm seeing 2 different "stories" here, which one is the most recent? Here's the first one I found, and then the link I post before this one was the second..,1,2332753.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago-hed

    Did they find a guy in the upstairs hiding..or not?

  • carla

    First off let me say I am sorry for the brutal murder. And no parent should have to go through the loss of a child, especially such a sensless one. But, can anyone explain the jw thought of wanting to catch the guy? On one hand when there is a pedophile in the cong who doesn't admit to it and not two witnesses, it never happened, leave it to jah. If a wife is being abused the elders usually tell her to pray more be a better wife, leave it to jah. Before the rules changed and a man had an affair and did everything but have actual intercourse the wife could not get a divorce, leave it to jah. And many other examples where they do not really care for any kind of 'justice'. Why now? Why aren't they saying, leave it to jah? Why are they now depending upon the very government agencies that they abhorr so much?

  • FreedomFrog
    If a wife is being abused the elders usually tell her to pray more be a better wife, leave it to jah. Before the rules changed and a man had an affair and did everything but have actual intercourse the wife could not get a divorce, leave it to jah. And many other examples where they do not really care for any kind of 'justice'. Why now? Why aren't they saying, leave it to jah? Why are they now depending upon the very government agencies that they abhorr so much?

    I really feel that it's not the "why now"...but "who now". I think that the abuse and crime that is committed in the congregation, they are afraid to "Bring reproach". From reading, what I gathered was this wasn't a in that sense, they won't be bringing "reproach" since it's not one of theirs. That IMO anyway.

  • carla

    Oh, of course, I momentarily forgot about the reproach to the org business.

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