Now we have change the damn anacronysm..........

by AK - Jeff 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We use Df'd = Disfellowshipped and Da'd = Disassociated

    The new term has to be - INLOOJW = "_______ Is No Longer One of Jehovah's Witnesses" to be correct.

    Let's get on the band wagon kids. Not as crisp and easy I know. What is an apostate with desire to be theocratically correct to do?


  • freedomlover


    that's great....I'm on the band wagon....

  • willyloman

    I respectfully suggest we shorten this to NLO.

    Variations on NLO-JW = too long. NLO is short, snappy. The missing words are implied.

    Say it out loud a few times. Has a nice ring to it!

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Bugger me, I have trouble spelling DA'd and DF'd and now you want me to spell - what's it again - INLOOJW??

    Crumbs.....I dunno......Let me outta here somebody


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Awwww.....I really like "Apostababes" and "Apostabubbas" better.

  • blondie

    You say PO TAY TO, I say PO TAH TO

    No matter how they say it from the platform, you are shunned

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Variations on NLO-JW = too long. NLO is short, snappy. The missing words are implied.

    You may be on to something big here, Willyloman. The whole apostate world could be turned on it's ear with this. Pandora's box and all....

    Jeff [ of the not NLO class yet - but hoping to get promoted to that soon]

  • Legolas
  • blindersoff

    I'm with Willy. Too long. How about INLO? {Is No Longer One} It is short and can be pronounced.


  • Honesty

    How about FREE

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