What date is the memorial?

by sass_my_frass 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah sorry.. still haven't broken my mother's heart, and haven't been to a meeting for a while; thought I'd better find out when the memorial is so I don't, eg, call her in the middle of it.

  • whyamihere

    April 12th....I think.


  • Scully

    When is the Memorial for 2006?

    You could try my trick... check the calendar for the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Last year someone from the KH phoned me 2 hours before the Memorial to invite me. (What kind of MORON only gives 2 hours notice when it's supposed to be the Most Important Event Of The Yearâ„¢??)

    Anyway, last year the Memorial was actually held the day BEFORE the full moon noted on the calendar, and I had to work that night... so I just said, "Listen, I checked the calendar and was going by that date." The JW suggested that I could call in sick. "You mean, you think I should LIE about being sick and lose a 12 hour shift to go to a 1 hour meeting at the Kingdom Hall, and on top of that only give my employer 2 hours notice to try to find a replacement for me when we are already short staffed on a night shift of a long weekend?" Well, it's for a good cause, she said. "There's never a good reason to be dishonest, especially if you're supposed to be representing The Truthâ„¢." She hasn't called again.

    It still boggles my mind that 15 years ago, I would have agreed with her reasoning. Without question. All I can do now, is hope that pointing out the dishonesty she's promoting either gets her out of my hair, or starts making her think.

  • Saoirse

    This will be my first year of not attending the memorial! I am so happy!

  • sass_my_frass

    Yes Scully I would probably have made a similar comment if I'd ever been brave enough to telephone an inactive person. I mean she did and look where it got here, all doubted up and frightened on the eve of the Most Sacred Night....

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