Thinking in Red for AHA. American Heart Association

by Sparkplug 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    This day, my building was showing support for the AHA. We actually were on the news and in the papers. I recently got given the job of Historian for the Dallas Council E-Board Pioneers of at&t, and I am loving it. (It sounds flashier than it really is. It just means free photographs for the masses.) So the day was not a total bust. The red and such stayed up all the way thru this week. Seeing it matches Valentines Day.

    So here is a shot of me, and here is a few shots I took of the American Heart Association Awareness Week at my work. I am not as happy as I look. "Fookin' Valentines day!"

    I am not done with the page where I am putting all of them, but if you want to see more, here is the link.

    There will be more added all week. I think our building is a bit excessive on the "Spirit of Charity" thing, and the other at&t buildings have stated that we need therapy.

    PS. Billygoat was so sweet and went and helped take some shots. I cannot wait to see hers!! Thank you Billy Girl!


  • Gretchen956

    Nice pics, Sparkplug! We did this on February 1st, but I don't have any pictures.


  • Sparkplug

    Sherry... Too Kewl!

    That is great. They did a balloon release, but the Feds said we could not release them (outside) due to airplanes and such...go figure. But there were a lot of people that have family that were taken by this awful thing. It was very touching. Several people in our building survived this too. So it was close to everyones heart.

  • Sparkplug


  • Sparkplug

    Did anyone else do anything for AHA this last week?

  • lonelysheep
    Did anyone else do anything for AHA this last week?

    We participated in the "Go Red for Women" Day on Feb. 3. Everyone wore red shirts and blue jeans. We each donated $5 and wore a cute red dress pin. You and your colleagues look great! I must admit...even though I work in a life sciences company that deals w/cardiac drugs.....You guys sure had us beat in the color scheme of the day!!

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