You might not believe this but I had a very enjoyable visit. The bro. who gave the memoral did very good. He read a memorial from one of her granddaughters, it was very touching. It was not so impersonal as most are. I had known this bro. when I was a teenager, didn't recognize him until someone told me who he was. He was in bethel with his brother(who is dead now) back in the early 50s and would visit our family when on vacation.(I had some girl cousins they liked) I saw so many of my cousins that I haven't seen in years and many other JWs that I liked way back in the sixtes. I had studied with the sister who died and her husband. I sat with a couple that I had brought into the borg. also. They were really nice to me. Darn, I better stay away from there. I think it may be one of the more loving congregations. I never was mistreated while a JW, just worked to death.
Ken P.