Have the UK JWs been stepping up their patrols lately?

by figureheaduk 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • figureheaduk

    Hi everyone, sorry I've not been here for ages..............

    Anyways, lately our house has been fetting quite a few knocks on the door by a JW who lives on my street. Sometimes he's alone, sometimes he's accompanied, but the odd thing is is that before we could go months without a visit from the WT's foot soldiers, and now lately we've been getting visits once or twice a week. If we realise it's them we don't answer the door, but every now and then we get caught off guard and have to explain nicely that we're busy and not really interested. Still, they keep giving us little pamphlets or copies of "awake" and "wt" and whatever so I was wondering, what with the seemingly increased frequency of visits have the JW's been told to increase their door to door activities and/or literature distribution, or is it a case of this guy taking more of an interest in recruiting the neighbourhood?


    ps big shout out to all the people i got freindly with on this site, sorry it's been a long time.

  • KW13

    wow, a site legend :) mmm, no i think this guy is just keen lol. If your accepting the mags then that could be it.

  • figureheaduk

    You're right, it could be that since we're taking his stuff off him he probably thinks that we're in some way interested. Obviously, what he doesn't know is that the leaflets and magazines that he gives us get filed straight under "bin" . I often spot him knocking on neighbour's doors, so maybe they too are smiling sweetly at him and then throwing his literature out as soon as he's gone.

  • KW13

    Then next time offer him something in return, maybe in a few weeks give him a recycled paper cup and say this was made from your magazine!

  • carla

    Why accept the rags? Tell your neighbors not to accept the mags either. Then go to Rebels site and print off a few,'Warning, cult activity in our neighborhood' and give those to your neighbors or put them in their paperboxes.

  • Mary
    I was wondering, what with the seemingly increased frequency of visits have the JW's been told to increase their door to door activities and/or literature distribution, or is it a case of this guy taking more of an interest in recruiting the neighbourhood?

    They're desperate to keep those hours up. You see, even if a territory has been worked to death, you're not allowed to just not go out in Service......nooooo.........that might give you some free time! So they work the same territory over and over and over and over again. Like one pioneer said to me once "....it's not 'quality' time; it's 'quantity' time."

  • KW13

    what gets me is that they use 1st john to say that we must work for christ's gift of life...OH and what about ephesians saying its from faith not works.

    Wonder when the society will make it so you pioneer without certain amount of hours or widen the goal posts so people will make their time and in return make the society meet its figures/targets.

    Surely christ would know where the person with the right heart is and present the opportunity in some other way, not just on doors. The WBT go after a fly with a bazooka and do EVERY door so they can't miss, then get all excited when someone is interested.

  • belbab

    Because he lives on the same street as you, it sounds like he is using your residence to start his time. As you said , many times you do not answer the door, but occasionally it happens you do. He would much rather you were not home, but since you answered the door and usually take the magazines he doesn't lose either, he gets to count magazines on his report and also probably counts you as a back call.


  • mustang

    You aren't a known X-JW fader are you? If so, he could have you in his sights. But this doesn't sound to be the case, as he hits the rest of the houses on the street.

    Because he lives on the same street as you, it sounds like he is using your residence to start his time.

    Maybe this guy has just started pIONEERing. Lucky you

    and also probably counts you as a back call.

    Sounds like he's getting a lot of mileage off your street, but not an effective presentation in the lot.


    Been there, done that Class

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